Good for him. And good for golf.

Tiger played pretty well. So did a bunch of other guys. Jordan Spieth was not one of them. Homeboy got the yips again. Baseball opening day was yesterday as well.  The Reds got off to a great start by beating the Braves. And Houston won. So all in all, it was a great day.  And that’s sports.

Shanghai is a prison.

Yes, definitely to the economy. Nevermind the threat to freedom though, right? Just ignore that, CNN.

Excellent. Excellent!!!!!! I hope they all back out and I hope they all win their cases. This bullshit political prisoner shit has gone on way too long already.

Speaking of political prisoners…. I’m not sure how this ends up playing out, but four days of deliberations is a long time. May end up in a hung jury.

What kind of fucked up legal argument is this? No, he’s not anything remotely close to a CEO. This judge needs to be run out of town on a rail.

This is the most important thing you’ll read today. It’s also the truest. This shit is completely out of hand and needs to stop.

This is a pleasant surprise. It doesn’t shore up the union pension schemes that will ultimately bankrupt the state, but it’s still nice to see taxpayers getting some of their stolen money back.

Far from egg-cellent.

So…people couldn’t have gone elsewhere? Or bought another type of egg at that store? Or simply bought something else? This is bullshit.

Fine by me. In fact, build a wall and keep everybody from the state inside it. Also, enjoy your drought.

Here’s a great song to end the week on. Enjoy it.  And then enjoy this absolute masterpiece. I want to play it 20 times in a row to take me back to middle school when Mark Sebastian of Q102 played it that many times until they “removed” him from the booth.  Good times.

Anyway, on that bit of nostalgia, go have a great Friday and an even better weekend, dear friends.