Sorry but I got a load of this um…human and I had to do it.

This is my review of Transmitter Brewing Bier de Garde Ale:

The current thing to hate about the right is the Florida Anti-gay/Anti-Grooming law, however you want to define it.  Before I begin, please note that I do have kids of my own, all of whom are currently in a public school.  I find it is a convenient way to present evidence the state is incompetent and that it does not have your interests in mind.  Also that I am a Veteran myself and I am not necessarily poking fun at anyone.

Okay, everything except that last part is actually true.  I’m probably making fun.

The idea this person with a severe mental condition is in a classroom with small children, and outwardly promoting a lifestyle associated with that condition actually does have a precedent.  Who among us had a teacher that constantly talked about Vietnam or (albeit less likely) Korea?

*raises hand*

Veterans from that war came back from their service and assimilated within society, many are even employed as teachers by design.  Many have PTSD which manifests itself in a variety of ways that many wouldn’t necessarily want to occur within view of children.  Flashbacks in particular, may be dangerous in some cases.  Many Veterans outwardly promote the fact they are Veterans, join political organizations and advocacy groups to promote their interests.  In effect, being a Veteran is an identity unto itself.

Except Vietnam actually was real and this is really just a bearded lady, right?  It was, but the flashbacks are real only to the person experiencing them not necessarily to the observer.  The observer that doesn’t know what is going on was probably wondering why the teacher was taking cover and shouting at Charlie.  Especially if there is a Charlie in the class.  One would assume a teacher with this delicate a condition between what is real and what is not could never be allowed around children, but I direct you back to the premise the state is incompetent and that it does not have your interests in mind.

It is worth allowing the local schools expose your kids to this?  If that element exists in society in a large enough number, probably. This way when they grow up they immediately go to “oh, another crazy person” and know how to deal with crazy people instead of, “WTF? That’s crazy.” I guess what I am saying, is kids are probably better able to understand what is, and what is not normal behavior—more than we realize.  Need proof?  Any that can’t will probably never learn to read beyond a 4th grade level.

PSA:  For more information on PTSD, click here.  If you don’t want to click a VA link, click here.  For information on a transgender specialist clinic at the Tucson VA, click here.


Do you like peanut butter? Peanut butter AND jelly?  That’s actually what this beer tastes like. Seriously, its peanut butter and jelly.  I have no other way to describe this to you in a relatable way.  Its a bit off-putting and perhaps shouldn’t be anywhere around children since its peanut butter and jelly flavored alcohol. Transmitter Brewing Bier de Garde Ale:2.2/5