Step 1: Romp in the fields before the dew burns off


So the week starts off with the Sun and Mercury poking at Jupiter.  Probably means big news about the government, could mean big change in the government, hopefully doesn’t mean good luck for the government.  We also get good signs for homeowners and those who are protecting something precious as Mars and Jupiter remain aligned all this week.  Monday indicates a dramatic event relationship-wise.  Then on Saturday, The moon in that Moon-Mercury-Venus alignment is replaced by the Sun, so assuming the relationship survived Monday, it ought to be going gangbusters by then.

It’s Rak’s turn in the sun, but all the good planets are elsewhere.  Gemini’s got Mercury and Venus, Aries has Jupiter and Mars.  If you decide to change plans in the middle of a situation, going more aggressively should be the better option.


Step 2: Wrestle!


The cards do not have a good opinion of this week.  There are FIVE majors, all reversed.

Cancer:  6 of Coins – Presents, gifts, gratification, attention, vigilance.

Leo:  7 of Swords – Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence, quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance.

Virgo:  The Hanged Man reversed – Selfishness, the crowd, body politic.

Libra:  The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.

Scorpio:  8 of Cups – Giving joy, mildness, timidity, honor, modesty, the decline of a matter or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence.

Sagittarius:  The High Priestess reversed – Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.

Capricorn:  10 of Swords – Betrayal, pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation.

Aquarius:  King of Swords reversed – Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, evil intention.

Pisces:  The Sun reversed – Material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment (but less than if the card had been drawn upright).

Aries:  Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement.

Taurus:  The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

Gemini:  2 of Coins – Recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.


Step 3: Profit!