Daily Stoic Week 33

The Daily Stoic

The Practicing Stoic


How to Be a Stoic

If you have anger issues, this one is a great tool (h/t mindyourbusiness)


August 20

“Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.”

I do not try to draw attention to myself. I know I think about things very differently than anyone I know in daily life. In the office, however, I dress the same as everyone else. I do have long hair, which I know points me out as a weirdo, but I do not try to stick out too much. It’s usually tied in a ponytail there, but for some reason one of the office ladies wants to braid it. Never gonna happen.  On my time, I wear what my wife calls a “uniform”, work boots, jeans, and a t-shirt.  She started calling it that after the first time she went to my home town and asked if it was a uniform, since 99% of the guys dress this way. I think the main point in this quote is to not ignore daily life and withdraw from society, but live with it and reap the benefits of living well with others.


August 21

“It’s ruinous for the soul to be anxious about the future and miserable in advance of misery, engulfed by anxiety that the things it desires might remain its own until the very end. For such a soul will never be at rest—by longing for things to come it will lose the ability to enjoy present things.”

I think this quote was written about my mother. I have always been able to brush off worrying about things that might be pending, she has the opposite approach. She finished chemo and six months later had to get a scan to see if the cancer was gone or not. In advance of this scan she wouldn’t start walking in the pool, because she was “waiting for the scan”. Her feet are numb and she now needs a walker to move around the house. She wouldn’t make plans to come visit us for thanksgiving, nor would she buy a new mattress that they desperately need, because of “waiting for the scan”. The scan came back clear, so now she can live. How much time was wasted and how much further would she be in her physical recovery if she hadn’t been “waiting for the scan”? Life is short, don’t waste it worrying.


August 22

“It is essential for you to remember that the attention you give to any action should be in due proportion to its worth, for then you won’t tire and give up, if you aren’t busying yourself with lesser things beyond what should be allowed.”

If I focus on what’s important, I won’t wear myself out with unimportant things. This goes for work and my personal life. Every year in March, I have a battle with nature to cut back bushes that encroach on my yard and block my wife’s view of the lake. This year I was recovering from surgery and an infection, so I saved my energy for trying to get back in shape. Now the yard is a bit of a mess, but I am able to run and work out. If I had killed myself to fight the yard while I was still weak, I might have injured myself and I definitely would not have had the energy to start a workout program.


August 23

“Therefore, explain why a wise person shouldn’t get drunk—not with words, but by the facts of its ugliness and offensiveness. It’s most easy to prove that so-called pleasures, when they go beyond proper measure, are but punishments.”

I don’t like to overindulge to the point that it affects me the next day. When I was younger, I never had hangovers. I could drink A LOT and be able to do whatever I wanted the next day. My brother in law would get irritated because we would go out and drink together and he would be useless the next day. I always told myself if I was like that I would quit drinking. I am not that bad, but I have had a couple occasions of being sick after drinking too much now that I am over 50. Not bad enough to quit drinking, but I am more careful about how much I drink and what I drink.


August 24

“I’ll never be ashamed to quote a bad writer with a good saying.”

It doesn’t matter who is saying it, it matters what is being said. It is hard to remember this when any reference is immediately met with, “You can’t quote them, they are right(or left) wing” without actually looking to see if the point being raised is correct.


August 25

“Won’t you be walking in your predecessors’ footsteps? I surely will use the older path, but if I find a shorter and smoother way, I’ll blaze a trail there. The ones who pioneered these paths aren’t
our masters, but our guides. Truth stands open to everyone, it hasn’t been monopolized.”

I have read many books written by people that were dead before I was born. I don’t blindly follow them, I adapt their teachings to my belief and understanding. To me, following Stoicism is a personal journey and different people can have different interpretations of these writings without conflict because it is about how to live YOUR life, not how your neighbor should live.


August 26

“I was shipwrecked before I even boarded . . . the journey showed me this—how much of what we have is unnecessary, and how easily we can decide to rid ourselves of these things whenever it’s necessary, never suffering the loss.”

If I am ever shipwrecked and lose everything, I hope I could have the composure demonstrated here. When bad things happen, it is important to realistically look at it and deal with it understanding how much is not in my control. The shipwreck of the last two years has shown me how much of my happiness was based on things I had no control of and I have learned from studying and practicing Stoicism to be happier and more in control of my emotions and reactions.


Today’s music is from a good 80’s rock band. I have always hated “hair metal”: Firehouse, Winger, Slaughter, Bon Jovi, Poison, and the like (Once my brother and I tried to start a riot at a Poison concert). Some bands that made good rock were put into this category. For those who like punk, I’m sure this is a distinction without a difference, but Whitesnake has some solid songs. (Is This Love does fall into the crappy pop side)

The first song I heard from them, I thought it was Zeppelin:

Another kick ass song from them:

Never heard this one on the radio, but I always liked it: