In previous posts I mentioned that Daffy Duck was one of my inspirations for my portrayal of SF’s MAGA Prime character. Emulating his bill, his visible tongue and his lisp. But what initially allowed me to envision it in my brain goes way back to my youth. I had this Goofy hat when I was a kid with his eyes printed on the front of the hat and the bill acting as his snout with his traditional 2 teeth hanging off the brim of the hat.  In fact I would later emulate that in the design of USA Hat, only using a singular tooth.

By the way, you can buy USA Hat on my cafepress page, tooth not included. (although when I gifted my bethetht glib friend Sir Digby said hat, he added the tooth himself.)


Episode 4 is the first episode with the new character models. It just looks so much cleaner, and I do still like the model I created for Kanye. (Did I mention that I can call like 99.99999% of the population racists for how they voted in 2020, because I voted for the Black guy (Kanye)?) Also, I think the voices became pretty standard by this point, so fewer episodes than it took The Simpsons to get it’s shit together.