The New Face of PacSun Is a Virtual Woman, Because Real Ones Just Won’t Do

We appear to have reached a new, more advanced tier of the metaverse, in which the powers that be (aka PacSun marketing execs) have decided that us lowly human beings should take fashion advice from someone (something?) that doesn’t actually exist. The storied leisurewear store has announced that its newest spokes-thing will be Miquela (aka Lil Miquela), a perpetually 19-year-old “virtual influencer” who only exists online.

Miquela, who will primarily be collaborating with the brand on back-to-school and holiday campaigns, was one of Time’s “Most Influential People on the Internet” way back in 2018. Her staying power—and her 3 million Instagram followers—are likely what PacSun was after. She was invented (created?) in 2016 by the Los Angeles-based computer software firm Brud, and was collaborating with brands as big as Prada by 2018. She also appeared in ads for Calvin Klein (where her lip lock with model Gigi Hadid caused backlash for its “queerbaiting”) and Dior. According to Input, among Miquela’s biggest appeals are that “she’ll never age, clothes will always fit her perfectly in advertisements, and she’ll always do exactly what you ask of her.” Super! We’re back to wishing women were brainless and blindly obedient—but this time, there’s a dark 21st century twist.

If your brain is still glitching about trying to understand this, you’re not alone. I, for one, have a few questions: How can a robot who only exists on the internet be any years old? Who is actually speaking when she posts online? How can she call herself an “LA native” when she doesn’t actually live anywhere? How is she taking pictures with (famous) human beings (and don’t said humans feel kind of silly posing for it)? And most of all: Why on earth are we taking advice from someone who doesn’t actually, materially, in a fleshly human way, exist!?

Jezebel really answers their own question here. Why would you want a perpetually young, obedient brand model rather than, well, a harridan? And, of course, it’s rich for an outlet to that employs so many transwoman to complain about an ersatz female.


1982 will have man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. Where are the bodies? WHERE ARE THE BODIES?!? Are they the taproot of the cabbage?!? Why is a meat baby growing from a vegetable?!?


Doctors warn dangerous ‘vabbing’ TikTok trend that sees women use vaginal discharge as PERFUME could cause thrush or even infertility

Doctors are warning against a new viral TikTok trend that sees single women use their vaginal discharge as perfume.

‘Vabbing’ — which involves smearing fluid behind the ears and neck — was made popular by American Tiktokker Mandy Lee whose original video racked up 1.5million views.

Proponents claim it increases the chance of attracting men, by spreading their pheromones — chemicals made by the body to attract mates in some animals.

But doctors say there is little evidence to support this works the same way in humans and warn the trend carries serious risks of vaginal infections, including thrush.

Dr Paraskevi Dimitriadi, a private gynaecologist in London, told MailOnline it could also lead to problems with fertility.

Bacteria on women’s fingers can lead pelvic inflammatory disease, where the bugs spread from the cervix to organs higher up, Dr Dimitriadi said.

This can lead to scarring in the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for fertilised eggs to reach the womb.