If you come to realize that if you don’t get certain things done first thing in the morning (like exercise), then they just won’t get done, then you need The Miracle Morning. Author Hal Elrod lays out a plan to start your morning in a way that is incredibly productive and will make the rest of your day better.

Elrod’s claim is that by waking up early to start your day, you carve out time for your most important activities, get them done, and go into the rest of your day feeling centered, accomplished, and right with the world. Elrod created the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S. for these activities. They are: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing.

Silence can be meditation, prayer, sitting quietly with your thoughts, reflection, and/or gratitude. Affirmations are just what you expect.

Elrod has a clever take on visualization. He recommends going into your future to “see yourself accomplishing what you set out to accomplish and you want to experience how good it will feel to have followed through and achieved your goals.” He also recommends seeing yourself in the positive actions you will do each day (e.g., exercise) and see yourself enjoying the process. Adding these feelings to your visualization is powerful.

Reading is self-explanatory. Scribing is his synonym for journalling. After all, S.A.V.E.R.W. does not roll off the tongue.

Elrod recognizes plenty of people don’t like waking up early and have a hard time doing it. He asks, why are you waking up? This is a deceptively profound question. Are you waking up because you have to? In other words, is sleeping to the last possible moment an act of resistance? Contrast this with waking up on purpose. If you are waking up on purpose, then you have clarity and direction. The act of waking up is joyful. Elrod’s point is you can consciously set your intention.

Elrod also has pointers for those who want to make an early start as easy as possible, especially when you are just getting into the habit. First, think about when getting out of bed early was easy for you. Elrod thinks about Christmas morning as a kid. That’s how you want to feel starting your morning.

Second, set your intention the night before. Find your positive intention/goal/motivation. Whatever it is that is going to make you happy to start the day. Third, put your alarm clock across the room. I hope you are single if you use this technique. If not, I recommend turning off your alarm and putting your feet on the floor. Fourth, brush your teeth. I’m not impressed by this one. I’m going to do it again after I eat breakfast because I’m considerate that way. But, if it works, then use it. Fifth, drink a glass of water. Here, Elrod is on to something. You dehydrate overnight, so this is good advice. It also means you are probably getting out of bed to get that drink. Finally, get dressed in your workout clothes.

That, my friends, is how you ensure you have the time for your workout and get it in.

This week’s music.