Fall is here and winter is coming. That means wind, rain, snow, and ice. In NoDak, it also means about two hours of daylight, but I can’t do anything about that. Since I you are all a bit craggy, let’s talk about improving your balance.

Yes, there really are exercises that will help you improve your balance. If you have something weird going on in your inner ear, see a doctor. If you have muscle weaknesses or imbalances, then read on.

Here are a bunch of exercises you can do to improve your balance. They can all be done without weights. If you need more of a challenge, then go ahead and grab a dumbbell or attach ankle weights.

Stand on One Leg

Stand on your right leg and lift your knee to about hip level. Hold for five seconds, then progress to 10 seconds. Return to start position with both feet on the floor, and then repeat on the other side for one rep. Do this movement five times on each side. When you can hold the pose for 30 seconds on each side, stand on a less stable surface, such as a couch cushion, a step, or a BOSU ball.

Lateral Thigh Lift

This is like the step up move above, but instead of lifting your knee in front, straighten your left leg and extend it out to the side while balancing on your right leg. Hold for five seconds and, then progress to lifting and lowering the leg five times. Repeat on the other side and do five reps in total. This move helps to strengthen the outer thighs which help in lateral movement, like catching yourself if you trip or fall sideways.

Single Leg Squat

Starting on the floor, step your right leg up to about hip level, then slowly bend your standing left leg for a single leg squat. Straighten the right leg to stand back up and step back down to repeat on the other side. Repeat for five reps on each side.

Catch and Hold

Starting on one leg, step your other leg up to about hip level, and then have a partner toss you a light ball while you try to catch it. This challenges your balance because you are no longer looking at a fixed point—your eye is on the moving object, and you are concentrating on hand eye coordination.

Tree Pose

Stand upright near a wall or chair and balance on your left leg. Lift your right foot to the inside of your inner thigh, calf, or ankle (avoid placing it on your inner knee). Press your hands evenly against each other in prayer formation. Hold for five long inhales and exhales and repeat on the other side. To progress, try closing one or both eyes and lifting your arms overhead.

High Lunge

From standing, bring your hands to your hips and step your right leg back into a lunge, balancing on the ball of your right foot with your heel off the ground. You can lower your back left knee down for a modification. Keep your hands at your hips or practice extending them towards the sky. Hold for five long inhales and exhales, then repeat on the other side.

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Remember Pete Way of UFO fame? Remember sleazy 80s metal? This week’s music.