Hey hey kids.

Apparently we needed some links, and I happened to be at my laptop, so y’all are stuck with me and whatever is in my browser history.

It’s huntin’ season here in Rural NY yet the deer seem to be more populous than ever. l0b0t enjoys looking out the bay window every morning at the deer tracks in the yard and watching the birds while he sips his morning coffee. He seems to be adjusting quite well to rural life, even though he sometimes gets uppity about the lack of restaurants and how early everything closes.

Speaking of restaurants…

Things in our little cafe are interesting. Inflation is a bitch, as is the chicken virus. In the 18 months since we got the place, eggs went from 7 cents per egg to, as of last week, 44 cents per egg. In the shower the other night I had the horrifying realisation that if eggs continue on the path they’re on, a single egg will match the price of a single bagel within 6 weeks.

So to that end…we’re seriously thinking about raising some chickens this coming spring to offset our costs. The health department says we can grow our own produce and raise our own eggs. Last season hens averaged $2.99 per chick, with the black sex link chicks at $1.99 per chick.

We’ve already secured two free chicken coops (one is like a chicken mansion it’s so glorious), and we’re doubling down in research mode.

Why the hell are eggs so expensive?

How to get started raising chickens

How to raise black sex link chickens

The 7 best chicken feeds for laying hens

The Twitter files, COVID edition

100 white sage smudge sticks to banish all that negative energy from the holidays

l0b0t and I have this exact conversation once a week.