Working out can be a pain the ass. And it’s the holiday season. You are pressed for time and money. If you want to work out, it takes equipment, a bunch of time, and some other place to do it. That can be true, but it doesn’t have to be.

You can get in a good workout in just 10 minutes, in minimal space, with no equipment, at no cost. But it will take effort.

Thanks to the genius of AthleanX, here is what you do:

Minute 1: Ratchet Squats (legs) – a squat with a short quick twist at the end

Minute 2: Shoulder Tap Pike Pushups (shoulders and chest) – plant your feet and bend over until your hands touch the ground so your body forms an upside-down V. Do a push up in that position. At the top, tap your right and to left shoulder and put it down. Do the same on the other side. Repeat.

Minute 3: Power Ups (abs) – a crunch in which you extend your hands out while pulling your knees to your chest.

Minute 4: Pounding Trunk Lifts (triceps and back) – Lay on your back with your knees bent. Press your elbows into the ground with your forearm coming down to the ground to provide support. The top of your back and triceps are doing all the work. This is deceptively taxing.

Minute 5: Bridge Reach Overs (glutes) – Lie on your back with your knees bent. Use your glutes to drive your pelvis up while reaching up with one arm across your body. Lower yourself and repeat on the other side.

Minute 6: Triceps Toe Taps (triceps) – Put your hands and feet on the ground in a semi-sitting position. Extend your right leg and touch it your toes with your left hand. Repeat on the other side.

Minute 7: Angels and Devils (low back) – This is a great exercise for people with posture problems (waves to Mike S). Lie on your front. Raise your head and feet off the ground with your hands behind your back. Holding that position, sweep your arm forward over head then bring them back to the starting position.

Minute 8: Pushup Toe Taps (chest and abs) – get into position for push up. Do a full push up, then bend at the waist to touch your right hand to your left foot. Lower yourself to a staring push up position. Repeat on the other side.

Minute 9: Squat Burpees (legs) – Start in push up position. Push yourself up while also quickly pulling your legs in. You finish in a squat position. Roll forward while extending your hands as if you were going to get in a push up position but thrust your feet back into the position.

Minute 10: Standing Ab Twists (abs and obliques) – Just what it sounds like. Stand up straight. Raise your right knee toward your left elbow while bringing your left elbow toward your right knee. Repeat on the other side.


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Remember that brief shining moment when Rage Against The Machine was done, as was Soundgarden, so we got some kickass rock that didn’t extol communism? This week’s music does. I can only imagine what things were like on set when this video was shot.