Well, this is the last day of the worst year of my life. So I’ll be happy to say goodbye to 2022 and express my hopes for 2023. Things are looking up what with a new career, Spud part-time moving to town, a possible grandchild, and keeping occasional company with a particularly fine person of the female persuasion. I intend to have the best dinner of the year tonight, and keep my fingers crossed that we can avoid causing foodfights when the talk inevitably turns to politics.

Birthdays today include the first guy to go to Washington; a guy who always sat in the Colored section; someone who made up her biography; a guy who’s the reason that to this day we still spend billions on protecting Germany; a guy famous for doing a camp tour; a guy who impressed Jodie Foster; a guy guilty of police abuse; a guy who was a remarkably shitty pilot; a brilliant musician that, guess, who should be better known; a woman who is easy to blame for one of the shittiest musical movements in history; a biker famous for taking a knee; the most hated guy in New Mexico; and a real life Fredo.

Now let’s get cracking on Links.


Break out the world’s smallest violin.


After this death, the average IQ of the US soared.


SEIU claims that putting things to a vote is anti-democratic.


“We need to better support the people who are trying to run your life.”


This whole (((thing))) is fucking weird.


Bastion of liberty.


I love how the story’s writer can’t seem to figure out the pronoun morass. Besides, the headline is misleading: it was just a half-chub.


I love roots and blues. I love Americana. And I really love when they come together. The Old Man is very content listening to this.