Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! Grab that coffee, wave to that co-worker, and enjoy another wonderful day and the links!


Twitter Files Part 7


Nunes accuses DOJ of seeking blackmail material during Russia probe after bombshell revelation


Kari Lake scores major win as Arizona judge orders trial on election challenge


6 undisputed facts about Arizona election: Election Day issues, ballot counts, legal threats


Supreme Court temporarily pauses lifting Title 42 border restrictions


Court Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors


Judge Approves $10 Million Settlement for Health Care Workers Fired Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate


SCOTUS to Consider Challenges to Biden Student Loan Bailout in Late February


Morgan Stanley’s Wilson Says US Profit Drop Could Rival 2008 Era

In-flight disturbances have plummeted since court overturned Biden’s mask mandate


Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape, sexual assault in second trial


That’s all I got for today.  I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.