RTD used to be a respectable newspaper. This is how far they have sunk. No link since they are paywalled.


SC FETAL-HEARTBEAT LAW STRUCK DOWN: A South Carolina state law that would have restricted abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected was declared unconstitutional by the state’s Supreme Court.

WISCONSIN LAW ALLOWS DETENTION OF PREGNANT WOMEN FOR ALCOHOL USE: This only disincentivizes women who are, or may be, pregnant from seeking care for mental health and substance abuse issues. We have long been aware of hospitals doing drug tests on women who deliver there, often with dubious consent.


TEDIOUS, DELUSIONAL ASSHOLES: Non-binary Welsh speakers have said they feel unable to express their identities in the language due to its gendered nature. They want to see more awareness and use of inclusive LGBTQ+ language.



COMMIES USING “CLIMATE CHANGE” TO ESTABLISH PLANNED ECONOMY: We’ve been calling them “watermelons” for years. Better late than never, FEE.

MENTALLY-ILL NH TEEN TASED, THEN SHOT BY POLICE: Granted, the teen had a knife and was extremely disturbed. Was it necessary to shoot him after tasing him? IDK, I wasn’t there. This was not the first police intervention for this teen. With each intervention the chances of him getting shot increased. Why was he not institutionalized? Why was he allowed access to knives?

CALIFORNIA EXODUS CONTINUES, TEXAS TOP DESTINATION: You brought this upon yourselves, Californians. Good luck with that shrinking tax base. Hopefully, these people are refugees, not missionaries.

“INDIGENOUS” GRIFTER AND SCOLD REVEALED AS FAKE: Fauxcahontas Syndrome strikes again.