Minor excitement on campus this week, but when you’re as isolated as we are, even minor excitement provides a break from routine. In our engineering building, Campus Security encountered a young fellow wandering the halls wearing a lab coat and no shoes. Spoke with a Nigerian accent. The guard asked him who he was and he responded that he was a teaching assistant for Professor Briggs.

Of course, we have no Professor Briggs.

On discussion, it turns out that he had also been found (this time by a grad student) sleeping in one of the classrooms. And apparently had swiped the lab coat from an unlocked room. Several others had encountered him, challenged him, and were bluffed successfully. I have always maintained that if you act confident and brazen, look like you know where you’re going, and can improvise stories, you can go anywhere and do anything.

I’m still stuck on how a barefoot guy managed to reach the building- it’s cold as fuck here, lots of snow and ice on the ground. One of our grad students told me that she was starting to lock her door while she was in her office. “I’m just totally creeped out.” “But your office is right across the hall from me and yet you had it unlocked before.” Much glaring.

Anyway… some days are just shit for birthdays, and today is one of them. But there’s a few marginal ones, including a guy who was Castro before it was cool; a pioneer of shitty cars; some guy who was choppin’ real good like; a guys who knew nothing; a guy whose art inspired Peter North; a guy I always confuse with Bent Fabric; a guy who is as smarmy as Tom Hanks; a throwback to the halcyon days of bush; and the fiftieth second coming of Hitler.

Let’s get to Links.


I’m sure this is the fault of the Jews.


So if  you raise your kids to pay no attention to race, they’ll be racist.


I’m prepared to suffer the disruption and inconvenience of tar and feathering this dork.


“It’s the big one, Elizabeth! I’m coming!”


I’m geek enough to find this fascinating.


And I’m nuts enough to find this fascinating.


I’d give him a medal, but then again, I don’t have the leftist love for cops.


Old Guy Music is delightful and is making me hungry.