Well, that was unexpected.

Sorry to be so blah but the coffeeshop is just reopening, the students are just getting back, and it’s been pretty quiet here. The most exciting thing has been fixing a plumbing issue at Spud’s place. After doing some work today, I’ll settle in to see the Lamar-free Ravens get pounded. So no anecdote, no funny story, just, I dunno, Links?

Birthdays today include a guy who did being rich correctly; the original Dr. Strangelove; a pretty excellent drummer and role-model; a guy famous for wet work; the guy who drove the Jews into the sea (just ask him!); the original and best Lois Lane; a guy who absolutely would be canceled today; a complete asshole who was an absolutely brilliant musician; a guy who had evidence that would bring down Hillary Clinton; a woman I will always think of as Edna Boyle; and another talking head worth ignoring.

And with that, I present you… Links.


Brain damage actually qualifies you as a Team Blue politician.


“Sorry about pogroms and the Holocaust shit. Now gimmee.”


“I’m a victim of soicumstance!”


But all they show is “artist depictions,” not the actual photos. I sense a cover-up…


You have to scroll down a bit to find out why this panic story is bullshit.


Hard hitting journalism!


I am shocked SHOCKED that New York politicians are grifters.


Old Guy Music’s boots are made for walking.