Banjos had to duck out last minute, so you got me instead. I will not be in my full weekend form, but at least I’ll go through the motions. I’m trying to think of a good anecdote from the momentous First Meeting between “family” (WebDom, Spud, and lObOt) and NPR Lady last weekend, but they’re escaping me at the moment. Maybe by Saturday, I’ll remember one. Which I guess is good, no screaming explosions or flung food.

I do remember birthdays, and although I have to keep the list short in the interests of making this in time to post, I shan’t forget a guy whose products I avoid in the service of barbatuosity; a woman whose death came as a surprise to her; a guy who was much better than Christopher Reeve and actually could stay on a horse; a woman whom Reagan never called Mommy; an absolutely wonderful actor who elevated every film he was in; a guy who did call Reagan “Mommy”; a brilliant singer/songwriter, no joke; and a perfectly named professional athlete.

On to actual Links.


If we can keep this going, maybe we can actually avoid having a Congress for a couple of years. Fingers crossed.


Now if we can outlaw the old farts who slowly write checks in the grocery store lines. I’d be on board.


Let’s be honest, the cartoons weren’t very good. That’s the real outrage.


“Do not demand data.”


“If only those fucking Jews would stop trying to visit their temple and did LGBTQIA+LSMFT marches instead!”


Last gasp.


Old Guy Music. Well, there’s nothing better than a lovely song from Iris DeMent- except a lovely song from Iris DeMent AND Emmylou Harris.