Happy February everybody. I guess I’m about a week late on it, but that’s how the calendar fell. Let’s see… this weekend, we rode yet another scale model train, the baby learned how to suck down his own pouch of applesauce (technically, I guess the 2-year old’s since he scavenged them off the floor), and my parents — once of the “you’ll rot your damn brain with those video games” generation took the older two for a night and returned me a pair of zombies who looked and acted like they were coming off a weeklong pill bender. So much random emoting. Their minds were just gone. Luckily, an afternoon of “go play outside” and a night of sleep got them back within tolerances. Just normal crazy this morning. How the heck are y’all?

It is a slow news day y’all. It’s like some goddam balloon sucked all the air out of the news. Except for that horrible stuff in Turkey, but I can’t bring myself to link to that.

More proof that bioethicists are experts at neither.

I’m pretty sure “walking teabag style” is an old Halo trick.

This guy obviously wants a fight with our own Sloopy.

$100K to have this guy talk? How much to make him shut up?

These guys are coming to town tomorrow, but I won’t get there because kids.