So yeah, if you’re lucky enough to have partnered up, better make sure you’ve got the gifts lined up. I, er… need to run a few errands meself. It kind of snuck up on me this year. I blame someone else. I am an excellent husband and partner. Excellent. The best. You can ask my wife, but no need to. Other than that, I nearly avoided the Superbowl half-time show, until my wife called me out to see it because a friend’s husband called it “a bunch of baby chickens” and “an Eskimo rave”. My five seconds of watching confirmed he was not wrong.

Links… links… let’s see…

This is pretty damn great, why does it always have to be shit with ze Germans? Rubbing dog shit in a critic’s face must be a great feeling. Even if probably not the right action.

I’m already making plans to ensure my kids never hear about this. Ever.

U-Haul, the preferred rental brand of terrorists. (h/t Playa Manhattan)

Way to go, Florida Woman. Seriously, I think we know who had the bigger balls in that confrontation.

Hobo Steve stiffs lawyers.


This song got stuck in my head, so now its stuck in yours.