He had a good run.

Sports? What sports? Aside from Tom Brady retiring there ain’t much going on.  But pitchers and catchers report in less than two weeks, so at least baseball is right around the corner. And with that, I’m moving on.

Yes, yes. Please go down this road. I really want this guy, who was so drugged up out of his mind that he didn’t even remember where he left his laptop, to be more aggressive in going after people over the laptop. I especially want him to sue media personalities for defamation. Discovery would be freaking amazing.

More of this, please!

Let the finger-pointing begin. She could have simply said no, by the way. And she could have refused to allow Baldwin to handle anything until he completed safety training. She bears some responsibility here. But at the end of the day, he’s also responsible for his own actions. My guess: both of them will end up helping the prosecution by constantly pointing out the flaws in how each other acted.

Uh, what do they mean by “won’t get better?” This is the best possible start. And the only way it could get better is if they do literally nothing at all.

“The city that never sleeps (on the sidewalk, anyway).” This will draw a to of complaints…from people who aren’t taking these people into their own homes.  And it was largely unavoidable, had the city not taken away the right for most shelters to operate outside their direct control.


Oh, good lord. They can’t develop every ride to accommodate every person. But if they did, I might get a chance to see Robert Reich and Jerry Nadler together on a roller coaster. So it might be worthwhile.

They should take it up with Steven Spielberg. (I’m sure at least one person will get that.) Anyway, hope they start pushing back. But they probably won’t. This is the Chicago way, after all.

But Twitter are evil! Why no outcry from the left when this regularly happens elsewhere?

This is a money grab. But everything done by government is a money grab. So this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Going way back today. These guys were underrated, in my opinion. And here’s a magical song. That mix of rock, calypso, and quartet singing was pretty ingenious. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely, freezing Thursday. It’s auction day here, so I’m gonna be scrambling for the next 12 hours.