Dogs are the theme of my life now. Kaiser has pretty much taken over the house, and has shown absolute fascination with chewing a particular pair of shoes and my Apple watch. He figured out how to open the closet to get to the shoes and he actually pulled my watch off the charger to give it a good chew. He ate a fucking Brillo pad. We also discovered his greatest fear- sunglasses. No shit. WebDom came over to pick him up, she was wearing sunglasses, and when he spotted her he ran away yelping and pissing himself in fright. Ran under a nightstand and sat in there cowering. She took them off and he barked for joy and ran over to her for petting and comfort. Pissing with joy this time. I’m seeing a theme.

Another theme is birthdays, including a man for all seasons; a guy who has streets named after him in Baltimore, Chicago, and a few other spots with the right ethnic mix; a guy who cut quite the attractive figure; a guy who could be a real headache; a guy who put Indiana on the map; a cartoonist who was a really nize guy (and greatly inspired Art Spiegelman); a great cosmologist who could even make an author list into fun; a fascinating woman who ought to be better known; a fantasy object for Young Man With Candy; a piece of shit who admittedly did some good trolling; and an actually good thing that came out of Canada.

Link woof.


Beyond parody.


And in the end, the spying on us is not going to stop.


Common sense evaluation of “climate change.” So of course, she will continue to be an Unperson.


I like how we’re already positioning the 2024 election to be about absolutely nothing important.


Why do this shit when there are actually valid reasons to criticize this asshole?


Team Red is a hilarious shitshow, but we knew that.


This is no dog. After a soft and lovely intro, Moody just starts blowing fire on that flute. Holy shit, I didn’t know fingers could move that fast.