The regulars are off doing non-regular things, which leaves the morning links open and barren.  So I offered to fill in to supply some links for this glorious St. Practice Day.  There’s some basketball stuff going on, Lamar Jackson is entertaining me in his brain damaged way, and I’m sure there’s some footie stuff going on too that I don’t care about.  So with sports out of the way, let’s get some news out of the way.

I’m actually interested in this documentary.

Someone may have found the Old Man’s original home.

Why are all the strange alcohol related stories from Nepal and India?

Surprising everyone, Gen Z has invented, dating.  This is a new development that has never been done before, it’s a good thing that the kids came up with this idea.

We must get new industries to support old failing ones, part something.

Can we say that you probably shouldn’t be recording TikTok’s at work, regardless of your profession?

In local to me news, we still can make someone a slave if they’re duly convicted, and it may be appropriate in this case.

Have I recently mentioned that Skyline chili is an abomination?

In geeky things that are of interest to me, I went down a games from my younger days rabbit hole, and stumbled upon this.  A full implementation of turn based BattleTech rules.  I’m still not sure if it’s worth installing Java on my machine to try it out.  Any of you lot play it?

I would of course, recommend an Irish coffee, but tomorrow isn’t the day to try to order one.  Or any cocktail really, be kind people.  Stick to beers, shots, and two part drinks.  Ok, maybe try this one at home, not at a bar (it requires a blender).

Sanka, Ya Dead?

12 ounce Guinness

2 ounces rum

1 cup vanilla ice cream

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp allspice


Put into blender, blend until smooth, serve in a glass.

Well, time for some music, here’s one that fits the day, and one for tomorrow..