New York has weird laws and remarkably stupid regulation. Part of the weed legalization here was that dispensary licenses can only be granted to convicted felons. Especially handicapped transgender felons of color. I am not joking. But true to their stupidity, the laws are written badly enough that entrepreneurial types like us can find both non-psychoactive and psychoactive products that can be legally sold. We are forbidden by our lease (with the university) to sell alcohol, but this somehow slipped by. So we’ll be reefering up the over-21 students, which not only generates a profit, but is likely to enhance the sale of pastries and breakfast sandwiches. And it will likely piss off the university. Win-win.

And speaking of winning, some people won the birthday sweepstakes including a man of current events; a guy I would never patronize; a guy I was dying to meet; a guy always up for a road trip; a guy who anticipated the Boring Company; a guy who was actually not afraid; another guy who followed the familiar arc from activist to grifter; a woman who gave Young Man With Candy a funny feeling in his bathing suit area; one of Santa’s little helpers who isn’t an elf; an expert at animal transport; a guy who always find the plate and the best shit; and a woman whose brain and intellect are equal to her legs.

Let us now bow our heads and Link.


Rock. Hard place.


Slow news day.


I’ve seen this before. Say, where is Stan Pons these days?


Universal explanations are always nice.


And you know that we taxpayers will be on the hook for a bailout.


It takes work to make sex boring, but you can always count on Netflix.


Old Guy Music is a song I know well on flute. For whatever reason, they didn’t call me to sit in, and they subbed Sierra Hull’s mandolin. Antisemitism, I sez.