We don’t need you, Blue.

This was pretty funny. Probably got better balls and strikes called than they’d have gotten if Angel Hernandez was back there.  Not much else going on this side of the pond but there was a lot of soccer played yesterday.  Anyway, on to…the links.

I’m sure they’ll figure out a way for these people to keep getting free shit. After all: there’s nothing more permanent than a temporary government program.

Way to be on top of things, guys. Top notch work from the IAEA and everybody else involved.

The crash is coming.

Alarm bells are ringing!!! This is gonna make 2008 feel like a walk in the park. Except in Texas, Arizona, and Florida.

This is interesting. Not sure how the ATL is gonna feel about its bell cow of taxes leaving the farm for greener pastures.

She’s going about this all wrong. She needs to threaten disclosure of all the people on the list if she wants to be free. Of course, that will probably make her spirit free from her body in short order, but it’s really her only chance.

“All aboard!!!”

Discovery is gonna be wild in this case. Sometimes its better to just fade away and go find a new job than to drag yourself through the mud. But she is persisting.

This is what they’re going after her for? Damn, you’d have thought they’d get her on piss-poor job performance and the fact that her city is a hellscape. But I guess they’ll have to settle for her taking her own money under dodgy reasoning. I’m glad the judge denied the race card though. Oh, and this is why government officials shouldn’t have pensions.

“Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!” said the voters. And Beetlejuice disappeared back onto the model of the town.

Nothing more permanent than a temporary government program: Part II. The real racket is oversight, not who works the docks.

Is it a crime prevention tool or a surveillance method that targets black and brown communities? It’s Houston, so it’s most likely both?  Oh, and IMO its a shitty program that should be heavily scrutinized. I know there’s no expectation of privacy in public, but this goes well beyond what’s seen or heard with the naked eye. And the courts have generally sided with privacy activists in cases like this.

Here’s a hell of a song. As were most of theirs. Case in point. Man, I could listen to them for hours and hours. And I just might as I trek home from New Orleans today. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.