So now that my kids aren’t sick and my project isn’t late, and I didn’t forget to set a reminder, we might actually have some on time and on topic (ed: wut?) links! Every damn one of my kids was sick with something last week. The youngest turned one with a double ear infection, a deep cough, and 102 degree fever. Whee! To tag on to Sloopy, I love opening week of baseball.

Easiest police case ever?

Prolific, chemist, skips “annoying” procedures… I wonder what his Glibs handle is.

He shoulda made DeSantis resist an extradition for a day or two. Trump is off to be indicted.

July 1… 2023… Florida Man will no longer do this one illegal thing. Concealed firearm carry without permit will be legal. Actual effect on Florida… zero.

And then there was the time REK saw the future of country music.