This week has been… memorable, and not necessarily in a good way. Program review from our principal granting agency, and I’m the program manager. Presentations, meetings, questions, questions, questions. And of course as always in government funded science, “More research is needed.” The bright spot was dinner hosted at our little café, where a couple of the professors got roaring drunk. One was a happy drunk, one was a nasty drunk. I confess that I was amused by both.

And I’m amused by birthdays, including America’s Sweetheart; composer of every damn song you didn’t know who wrote; someone who was very on theme today; a guy who banged Hope Lange; one of my spirit animals; a guy who was alive and well; one of the more unusual prog rock singers and here’s a bonus Old Guy Music sample; maybe the most underrated rock guitarists of all time; and a woman who reminded me of the Gilbert and Sullivan ditty “I’m Called Little Buttercup”.

Link we must.


Team Blue is queuing her up. Ladies and Gentlemen, like it or not, she’s your next president. Thank Trump for that.


Punch line: I wrote the definitive paper in this area.


Wait, is April Fools’ Day still going?


Some academics are lucky that tenure exists.


This might be Peak Navel Gazing.


Technology: making life easier.


Can’t remember if I’ve done this one before, but so fucking what. I played rhythm on this song as part of a duet at one of my buddies’ wedding. The marriage broke up, but likely not from our playing.