MOSTLY PEACEFUL FRENCH RIOTS OVER PENSION REFORMS CONTINUE: Nationwide protests against the French government’s plan to raise the retirement age for most workers from 62 to 64 have now entered their 11th day. The government triggered special constitutional powers last month to push the controversial legislation through parliament without a vote[…] BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has played no part in the pension reforms. But workers targeted the company because of its work for private pension funds.

GLIBS AWARD FOR INNOVATION IN REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: Canadian company used 200-foot long railway to comply with Jones act. US court not amused, declares that the working railroad which actually shipped things was, somehow, not a real railroad. Fuck you, Judge Gleason, and show us where in the Jones act a minimum ship-by-rail distance is specified.

NRA – DOD’s SEEMINGLY GOOD INTENTIONS COULD HURT HUNTERS, SHOOTERS IN MILITARY: If they impose this on servicemembers you can be damn sure that we will hear the argument that these are commonsense gun restrictions and that if our servicemembers can live with them then so can you.

ITALIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS LAWS AGAINST MISPRONUNCIATION OF WORDS: The proposed law seeks to stop “Anglomania,” which the bill’s text says “demeans and mortifies” Italian language and culture, and could even penalize Italians who mispronounce words like “bruschetta.” [Updated with link which was missing when this article was originally published.]

CLARENCE THOMAS HAS RICH FRIEND, TAGS ALONG ON VACAYS; LIBERALS OUTRAGED: Crow and his firm have not had a case before the Supreme Court since Thomas joined it, though the court periodically hears major cases that directly impact the real estate industry. Cry harder, Pro Publica.

FAT ACTIVIST SEEKS TO BAN WEIGHT DISCRIMINATION IN NYC: Ms. Abraham was among a group of people who testified recently on behalf of a bill that would prohibit discrimination in New York City based on a person’s weight or height in employment, housing and access to public accommodations. I wonder if the NYC government will have to install special fat people seating on buses and subway cars.

AUSTRALIAN CHARGED WITH PURLOINING PLATYPUS, TAKING IT ON SHOPPING TRIP: Australia, where even the cute wildlife has venomous spurs.

GLIBS WRITERS ALERT: Swiss says everything in Pending has been scheduled. We have content scheduled through next Tuesday (April 11). Please get your drafts into Pending, and your ideas into Draft.


Yep, it’s actually called “Mom Water,” and each flavor is a woman’s name. “Karen is Lemon Blueberry flavored Mom Water, and she is bold, daring, and unique.”