via Warty the Hugest, this nightmare of mouth parts and secret things.

Pepperoni Hug Spot: An AI-Generated Commercial


PSA: It’s Lesbian Visibility Week, so if you see a lesbian, point them out to everyone loudly. “LESBIAN! LESBIAN!” Maybe use your rape whistle to call attention. The lesbian strangers in your life will love all the attention. Your lesbian friends and neighbors? Maybe go the extra-mile and spray paint “LESBIAN!” on their garage door. And be sure to wear your “L For The W!” t-shirt.

Also, the joke “I feel like a lesbian trapped in a man’s body” is no longer funny. Too many transwomen took it seriously.


New favorite Twitter feed:


I just can’t imagine why Buzzfeed, this paragon of journalism, is going out of business.

19 Nineties Movie Moments That Gen Z Would Eviscerate Today

Ryan Gosling And Margot Robbie Walked The Carpet At CinemaCon For “Barbie,” And Everyone’s Obsessed With Their Outfits

17 Times Men Were Praised For Doing The Bare Minimum While Women Were Expected To Function At A Much Higher Standard

(No cherry-picking; all from today’s front page.)




Surprise! Tucker Carlson Draws the Most Democratic Viewers in Key Demo, Even Topping Rachel Maddow

Old reporting, but still oddly hilarious. Not ever having seen an episode of either show, I wonder what led to this result… Was Tucker just pumping out more Big Lesbian Energy? Was Maddow’s thick neck just too sexually confusing for Democratic viewers? Was it all the dead Democratic voters with their TV left on?


“Kooler Than Jesus”
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
Confessions of a Knife… (1990)

The audio sample “I am the Electric Messiah! The AC/DC God!” is from the delightfully deranged Peter O’Toole film The Ruling Class.

Following the death from accidental asphyxiation of Ralph Gurney, the 13th Earl of Gurney, Jack Gurney becomes the 14th Earl of Gurney. Jack, a paranoid schizophrenic, thinks he is Jesus Christ and shocks his family and friends with his talk of returning to the world to bring it love and charity, not to mention his penchant for breaking out into song and dance routines and sleeping upright on a cross.