We all know how this will end, right?

It’s been a while, friends. What a long, strange road trip this has been. But I’ll be home this afternoon. Which is where Dallas was last night as they thumped Minnesota to be on the brink of closing the series out. Also, I’m still shocked that Toronto are one win away from taking their series with Tampa. And there are a few other great matchups going out there. We’re not even through the first round and this year has been fantastic.  I also hear basketball is doing their playoffs too, but I don’t care. The Astros are getting their shit together finally. Today is the day that will (probably) decide the EPL as Arsenal take on Man City. And that’s it for sports.

God for him. The demand was an unprecedented attempt at a political hit job and he was right to tell them to fuck off.

Municipal government

Speaking of the Supreme Court, this case better end up 9-0. There’s a place in hell for city government employees that do shit like this. At least I hope there is.

Wait a minute….lesbians can be invisible? That can’t be true.I’ve never once seen what I thought was a self-driving Subaru..

What the absolute fuck is this city thinking? They’re not even protecting government workers anymore? That’s usually where they draw the line.

Dude, shut the fuck up. You’re not entitled to have everybody like or respect you. Expecting, or even demanding, they do so is the hight of entitlement. Also, shave your balls in the pool. It’ll make you faster.

Evil piece of shit

Dude, shut the fuck up 2: Covid Boogaloo. In a logical world, this guy would be changing his face like Ernst Stavro Blofeld and hiding in a volcano lair. Instead he’s out there calling himself a victim.

What a bunch of fucking crooks. And the people who claim to care for the little guy are the worst stonewallers of all. Curious, that.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I think companies might need to start reviewing the concept of “fiduciary duty” to execs. Because there’s a lot of them out there that have no idea what that means.

What a dick. No wait, that should read: What? A dick! Fucking Germans, man.

Let’s rock this Wednesday morning. Oh yeah. And this is how I feel after 8 days on the road. Can’t wait to see Banjos and the girls this afternoon. Side note: Louisiana enforces speed limits a lot more aggressively than they should.

That’s it, friends. Go have a great day.