Puzzle stuff – here’s a puzzle. Book stuff- As I have mentioned before in the comments and on various Zooms I have superhuman ability to willingly suspend my disbelief when reading a novel or watching a flick. I do not care if someone drives from Dallas to LA in half the time it “should” take. I Don’t care if someone uses a gun in a story set in the 1800s that wasn’t made until the mid-1900s. I don’t care if there’s a massive plot hole like … I can’t think of an example because I never notice them. So now I humbly admit that I’ve finally come across a plot point that I just couldn’t get past. It didn’t stop me from enjoying the rest of the novel but I’m still puzzled by it. Those of you paying attention to WARW will know that I recently read the first two Tarzan books. In the story Tarzan learns how to read and write English from children’s books even though he can’t speak it and doesn’t know what the words sound like, he only knows the ape language. Edgar Rice did a fine job of justifying this, and as ridiculous as this seems it’s “plausible ” in the way he presents it, But, and here comes the Big But, at one point Tarzan writes a note to Jane and her posse and calls himself ‘Tarzan’. How would he know to write ‘Tarzan’? He only knows that name from the ape language he learned, even if he could learn English from the books he would have called himself “white ape” which is what Tarzan means in the ape language. Maybe I’m missing something but Edgar seemed to go out of his way to explain how Tarzan learned to read and write English so why did he miss this. Anyways, enjoy this glibcrostic and tell us in the comments that thing in that book that you just couldn’t even.

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You can google three clues this week, make sure to mention how many you used when you submit your results.

Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is “What Are We Reading” Day so if you want to participate get your reports in to HeyBuddyStopDoingThat@protonmail.com by the second to last Sunday.