I think I see a broom.

Florida are about to get the brooms out on Toronto. The other two games yesterday were goalfests, as those series sit 2-1. What a crazy second round.  Max plowed through the field from 9th to cruise to a win at the Miami GP. Not even his teammate could compete from the pole. West Ham beat ManUre to get themselves safe from relegation. And four of the five teams trying to avoid the drop are in action today. And that’s it for sports.

You’re not gonna do shit, you douchebag. It would be funny if the SC issued an edict that the Senate members were retroactively forbidden from trading in stocks they had any regulatory oversight for and made the penalty expulsion. That might teach these creeps a lesson about reading the Constitution.

What we’ve become

Shouldn’t this require some form of legislation? I’d consider a financial penalty some form of punishment. And that would require a law be enacted. Also, this should be up to the market to determine, not the government. But still, if the feds get involved, ruling by fiat is bullshit.


Yes…YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Make this happen as quickly as possible. No half-measures either. Hell, make part of the reparations process to have all white people find the nearest black person and grovel at their feet for an extended period of time. Or have public atonement sessions. That’ll get everybody onboard with this completely insane, and unconstitutional, idea.

I’ll believe the feds are taking this seriously when the indictments start. But I guess they’re too busy combing through footage looking for random people (but not Ray Epps) walking casually through or near the Capitol to look into the myriad violations that are pretty damn clear.

If that’s the case, then maybe start negotiating now. It would save countless lives.

That’s some nice security you’ve got there. Might want to get your lawyers on the phone. You’re gonna need them.

So much for checks and balances. I remember people being locked up recently for refusing to appear. And those weren’t even government employees. Lock this asshole up if he doesn’t comply.

I think this is a fantastic idea. There’s no reason for high school kids to be up at 5:30 to get ready to go to school. Or 6:30 for second-graders.  It’s completely insane.

Here’s a rollicking number. Just jumps straight in. What a difference 14 years makes. It’s like it’s not even the same band. Oh well, they’re both good songs for their time. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.