Two days post-op.

I’m pretty jazzed. I had no idea what to expect from a total knee replacement, but this by far has been the easiest of four knee surgeries. Three days and I’m already bending to 90 degrees, and I replaced the walker with a cane today. I’ll take it.


Linkerdoos, anyone?


Oh, Ken. You took your self righteousness too far and became a target.


It will  be interesting to see if they can achieve their goals.



Retvrn to monke?


I’m tellin’ ya, ten years until we’re back to candles for light.


There’s hope for grosspatzer!!!


Okay, we’re going to end with an homage to the late Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster. This badass nun died in 2019. They just exhumed her, and the body shows very little sign of decay, even though she wasn’t embalmed.


“Church of What’s Happenin’ Now”


A look at the marvelous life of our Sister of Perpetual Motion.


And to finish it off, a couple of offerings from Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Faith not required, the human voice is the greatest instrument of all.