When Spring hits here, it really hits. It was absolutely fucking GORGEOUS, and I had an invite from an NPR Lady to see a nice show at an excellent brewery. Outdoors under a canopy, perfect view of Keuka Lake and the vineyards. Times like this are what make the bullshit worthwhile. And I didn’t ask her what she thought of the violent nutjob being taken out on the NYC subway- I knew the answer, and I’m sure she knew mine. It’s best sometimes to just shut up.

But open your mouth long enough to sing Happy Birthday to a bunch of folks like one of the few philosophers who don’t make me roll my eyes and close the book; a guy whose 1812 wasn’t OUR 1812; one of our local heroes (even has a street named after him); a guy whose dick supposedly shamed Milton Berle; a woman who had a leg up on you; and my favorite method actress.

Enough of this folderol, let’s get to the important part, the Links themselves.


Kathy is still a kunt.


Anyone see Pie around?


God, I love California. I usually don’t watch the videos at the top of stories but this one was really worth it.


Of course, this is impossible because California has common sense gun safety laws.


Hey, Al, still send a Hanukkah card to Yankel Rosenbaum’s family every year?


I think we can safely say that we’ve seen the last Richard Dreyfuss movie. Too bad this didn’t happen before Jaws.


This song came up on my Amazon HD feed while driving home and as soon as I heard the opening notes, I knew what it was and I knew I’d be a blubbering mess. I was right.