We celebrated the holiday weekend with the flu! Hooray for 4 germ vectors. Family is mostly better today. We dug out the blowup water slide that we bought in the fall of ’21 on super-sale. I’m shocked and impressed that we’ve probably used it 10 times over a year and a half and it still lives. I remember spending the $80 and thinking, “if we get 2 uses out of it, I’m counting it a win”. The littles really loved it. Having family over for dinner. I’m going anti-tradition and making a really nice seafood chowdah. I hope everyone else had a great Memorial Day or just monday.

Florida Man really got lit up in this argument.

Instead of giving us tax breaks, I’d prefer they just lower taxes at this point. It all started with let’s give everyone a break on back to school stuff because every dollar matters for poor parents, and now its just a political grab bag of vote buying. Lower the damn taxes.

I think this would improve Russia and the US Senate.

Here’s a nice relaxin’ classic for a slow day with friends.  (Link magic work this time!)