I guess this is week four of Bud Light’s self immolation. They are currently marketing aluminum bottles with a camouflage print. If I am not mistaken its a printed sleeve, which means the bottle is that much easier to collect its full recycling value! Plus, I never got the appeal of the aluminum bottles. Is it a bottle, a can?
No. Lets combine everything we hate about both.
This is my review of Heretic Carmel Moo-Chiato:
Lets laugh at a communist shall we? (TW: Outkick)
A coffee shop in Toronto that tried to stick it to capitalism by letting customers pay whatever they wanted has closed after one year in business.
No, one could have seen that one coming…
Fittingly enough, this place was called The Anarchist (Ooooooh, edgy…) and encouraged customers to pay whatever they could afford… at least for drip coffee. For anything else, you had to pay an actual price.
Even anarchists have bills to pay.
The cafe was eye-rollingly billed as an “anti-capitalist café, shop and radical community space on stolen land.” This meant that in addition to coffee and various cafe goods, it sold radical books, art, pins, and T-shirts to people who all probably hate their parents for one reason or another.

Seriously, this guy is a real piece of work. He’s a few excerpts from the cafe’s FAQ page:
Most places I’ve worked, which all charged what I do now, didn’t make a penny for the first 2 years – not an option for someone starting a business with no funding and relying on it for their income – and even after that they live or die by their ability to sell $5-$6 croissants, merchandise, beans etc. So I picked prices that were the lowest I could afford, and that wouldn’t have to be increased as soon as rent kicks in after the 6 month grace period.
I hate how everything in specialty coffee is so inaccessible to working class people, and inhospitable to everyone but the white upper middle class. That’s why I started doing “pay what you can” drip coffee, which loses me money, but is subsidised by the more expensive drinks. That’s also why I continue to scrutinise my prices and look for opportunities to lower them. Maybe when the shop has a couple more workers, allowing us to make significantly more drinks per day, we’ll be able to do an across-the-board price cut. I don’t want to sacrifice quality, as sharing the delicious things I’ve been passionate about for over a decade with a more diverse group of people is part of why I’m doing this. But I do want to find ways to make it more affordable. Most baristas, myself included, literally could not afford the drinks they make if they didn’t get them free through work…
Yes, all of these FAQ responses are multiple paragraphs long. On the question of ethically sourced coffee:
There is, of course, no ethical consumption under Capitalism. But we absolutely have a responsibility to find ways to break out of the unethical paths of least resistance laid down for us. I currently work with a very small number of very small, independent roasters. Those roasters are people I know care about the ethics of the coffee supply chain, and build their direct trade models with that in mind. That said, like most people in the coffee industry, I’m very uneducated in most areas of coffee trading and am actively trying to learn more and develop a strategy for operating in solidarity with my fellow workers all along the supply chain. So the best I can honestly say for now is that I’m trying to do better than the average, and hoping to do a LOT better in the long term.
This gets better…
I am a white, cisgender, queer man. When I used to daydream about opening my own cafe, the idea always left a bad taste in my mouth because I also feel that the world doesn’t need more things owned by people at my particular intersection of privileges. However, this opportunity was offered to me, and I see it as an opportunity to use my privileged position to undermine the systems that put me there. The best thing I think I can do is hire people who aren’t white, cisgender, heterosexual men, make them equal owners, and follow their lead in making the place less white-male-centered than the industry standard. That’s what I’m working towards, and I expect to be held accountable if I don’t get ther
His typo, not mine.
Aw hell…where did I leave that…oh here it is.
🚨 🚨 White Girl Beer Alert 🚨 🚨
With the obsession with stouts that emphasize their coffee flavored notes, naturally it means there are those that might want to cater to the tastes to people that don’t like coffee. How do people traditionally sell coffee to people that don’t like coffee? By adding things like cream, sugar, spices, and some form of communism to suit the tastes of people who wish to signal their status as somebody that paid too much (or in this case nothing) for something as pedestrian as a cup of coffee. This one is just a bit too sweet, but they get points at least for not pretending to be anti-capitalists stooges. Heretic Carmel Moo-Chiato: 2.1/5. 6% ABV
“Plus, I never got the appeal of the aluminum bottles. Is it a bottle, a can?”
I will give one point in favor of them. Somehow, it keeps beer very chilled in the extreme heat of summer, better than a can. Also being able to put the screw top back on is very handy in splashy pool environments.
Can used to be like that. Before they were reduced to balloon thickness.
Most likely that is why the bottle works. They are very thick.
I never read his website FAQ. Thank you for pulling out those gems so I didn’t have to read it all. I did LOL.
The best part is his landlord gave him rent for free for the first 6 months. He should’ve gone out of business even sooner.
@NotAdahn and @RJ — Neither Trey nor Dot nor Bill Cosby drugged Marina. However, remember that their first stop on any outing at all is Kresge’s for sodas, whether they will be eating later or not.
OK but why? Enquiring minds and all.
/Waiting a week in Podunkville
Well, there are a lot of people who need Trey to win the bet, not for his sake, but for theirs. With Trey as their boss and possibly the owner of the business, things will stay the same. Their lives will turn upside down if Trey loses or fails to get her pregnant at all, because someone new will come in and clear the place out to put in his own people. Also, they will likely turn the tenants of the third floor out to trip,e the number of rooms used for prostitution.
So basically, they trust Trey to do right by them, and thus are totally invested in his winning the bet, or at least doing what Boss Tom wants him to do.
He was ordered to get her pregnant. The bet was that he could do it in two months.
Legit hint or red herring?
Legit hint. Also remember that half Trey’s staff and his tenants already suggested it way back at the beginning of the bet. There are lots of suspects. This is one of those things that doesn’t wear well with serial once-weekly telling, and works better as a straight-through read.
Wife reclaimed my paper copy. I see it around.
Oh, I recall.
You know what isn’t a laughing matter? Firsting, and Firsting related activities. It’s 90% natural ability and 10% pure dedication to the ultimate craft.
Whatever. Get yourself a regular slot and prove your dedication. First Tuesdays with Bruschetta.
I have said before, I would read that.
Same here. The Bro sans schtick usually has something interesting to say.
et moi, bro
No….a podcast.
He better wear more than Pat McAfee.
Most baristas, myself included, literally could not afford the drinks they make if they didn’t get them free through work…
Market signals – how do they work?
Thanks, MS! That did indeed make me laugh.
which loses me money, but is subsidised by the more expensive drinks
Or, what those dirty capitalists call “a loss leader”.
So, he admits he overcharges for some things.
I thought I saw a sugar daddy showed up so he didn’t have to close.
See also: rent control.
It’s almost like there’s some sort of economic sorcery at play.
Yup, I heard the Streisand Effect got him some money.
An infusion of capital comes to the rescue of the commie coffeeshop.
I wonder if he learn— oh hell I almost got it out.
“Politico, November 2022: Comparing women in politics to Lady Macbeth is a sexist trope.
Politico, May 2023: You know, come to think of it, there’s this one Shakespeare character that Casey DeSantis really reminds me of…”
Typical, just typical.
It just proves how unbiased they are and how they have diverse opinions.
Heh. Diverse opinions within a single person. It is so tiresome with that crowd.
Bro pulled out the fire jutsu
That is awesome. And he did it in his house!
I’m going to need a ruling from Nephilium.
This is 100% on the tow truck driver, but as I expect from the spandex crowd that believes that traffic laws are for other people, why slow down when you see activity and a trash can in the middle of the road?
Idiots on bikes? Or an idiot towing truck?
I hope nobody was seriously hurt, but there is no way they came out with no injuries. The only question is how much money they got.
But as you learn riding a motorcycle – assume everyone on the road can’t see you or they deliberately want to kill you. I get the energy required to move a bicycle makes you want to do anything to conserve it, but sometimes you just might want to slow down when you see something odd ahead of you.
I don’t really care whose fault it is, watching dipshit road bikers each shit is always comedy gold.
Gotta say both. Obviously the tow driver messed up, if he had to do it this way the road should have been closed off on both sides. But if you’re approaching on a bike, and there a tow truck on one side and a truck off the road on the other, it’s obvious that one or the other is about to be backed into the road. Obviously you should slow down or stop.
I blame Roger Penske. He has more money to sue for.
I see you understand the way of the ambulance chaser.
Tow truck driver is completely at fault. Somebody needed to be in the road stopping traffic. The group of bikers had a car behind putting pressure on to keep moving. With the flat bed on the inside of a turn it was not clearly visible. Also, lots of red flags/rags on the cable would have helped.
Idiots on both sides in my opinion. I slow down anytime I see something out of the ordinary in front of me on the road/trail.
I am in DC for oldest’s college graduation. Incredibly, I have seen a small number of people wearing masks. This includes some college students.
Congrats! My only’s was last week. Zero masks.
That said 20% of my commute is masked. Disproportionately Asian and female. No surprise.
Out here I have observed wide spectrum stupidity though I would guess they were all under 50.
The college age set (18-25) seem to be the most broken age population. This week I saw two different people of that age driving alone with masks on.
CONGRATS on your spawn’s accomplishment.
My daughter has one more year and we are free!
You only thinks so.
I was traveling the last couple weeks and observed that about 5% of people in the airports are masked; mostly old boomers. The only masking that bothered me was the gen x mom who had her 8 y/o in an N95. That filled my heart with darkness.
I’m.convinced that the parents who make their young kids mask up regret having children and use the mask to muzzle the child; kids really don’t talk if they’re masked up.
Partly cultural too.
This was definitely a “Patagonia mom”. Vaguely hippy AWFL. I’m sure the kid was always meant to be a lifestyle accessory
JFC. Someone call Child Protection Services.
I wish more parents would use duct tape in public if they can’t properly train their germ breeders.
I would’ve if I thought I wouldn’t get the police on me for child abuse.
I saw an idiot at the store today who was doing the bandana as a mask. FFS, that was done by people to get around mask mandates, not because there’s any protection.
I saw a young woman on an elevator double masked with cloth masks. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Are you sure that wasn’t really a robbery, Neph?
I see it every once in a while. One girl at the gym stopped a couple months ago, possibly because she thought people were staring at her. She’s not wrong but they were just staring at her butt.
G-d bless everyone who did.
BTW, that is a white girl beer. Your rating may have been generous. It sounds like Yoo-hoo with a dash of alcohol.
Maybe at that moment I *wanted* Yoo Hoo with booze?
Be sure to storm the capitol while you’re there.
It could happen….
I see a few oldsters and a few 20 something’s in masks, and that’s it. Not sure what the word is for an alloy of sad and angry, but that’s my reaction.
Not sure what the word is for an alloy of sad and angry
This sounds like a job for the Germans.
I’m with you. I don’t begrudge the elderly. Who knows what’s going on with them. But the young ones better not be masking outside a hospital.
It’s pollen season here, I saw a guy wearing a P100 while bushhogging with his tractor. Me dribbling like i did CS thinks he’s on to something.
Anybody else sometimes feel a pang of envy when they see birds flying high above? I’m sitting here watching the kites and hawks wheel high above, under gathering storm clouds, and I want nothing more than to be up there with them.
Get into paragliding!
I just suggested this to the wife, and she gave me “the look.”
Not so much that. But I do sometimes wonder why birds suddenly appear, every time I am near.
Buzzards? Would explain a lot.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
I’m not prone to anthropomorphizing, but watching the crows/ravens soaring on the rim of the Grand Canyon they sure seem to be enjoying riding those updrafts.
Interesting article on hypersonic missiles and the problems with the Patriot system. Bottom line – the Patriot doesn’t really work and something completely different would be needed to defend against hypersonics.
Incredibly, the Patriot’s tendency to do a U-turn and bomb it’s it’s own people still hasn’t been fixed 32 years after the Gulf War.
The MIC has been fairly careful to avoid any real tests of their equipment against peer competitors. Seems like they may have overextended themselves here and the warts in their very expensive systems are showing.
They’ve been selectively testing the defenses for decades now. The entire thing is one big boondoggle and always has been. It’s far easier and far cheaper to develop missiles to elude missile defense systems.
Yes. The engineering required to intercept a cruise missile is rather lunatic in complexity.
And you only have to miss one for it to be a total loss.
The heaviest use the last few years has been in Saudi Arabia against Iranian drones and ballistic missiles from Yemen.
A lot of it depends on proper settings too (an issue in SA unless US folks were on station).
Of course…if you look at the missile shots in the Red Sea a few years ago…the Aegis system also has a lot of vulnerabilities – when it’s not properly maintained and adjusted for atmospheric settings. A LOT of training and knowledge involved that we’re all too willing to throw away (although thankfully the Navy has finally allowed Fire Controlmen (Aegis) to keep their rates when they join the Reserves). Our ships were really lucky.
I bet they’d figure out how to fix those flaws pretty quickly if they were forced to stand next to the Patriot battery while the Russians shot missiles at it.
It’ll be fixed in PAAC-5. Double pinky swear.
Long read, thanks.
The propaganda on both sides makes any kind of analysis difficult.
Maybe when the shop has a couple more workers, allowing us to make significantly more drinks per day, we’ll be able to do an across-the-board price cut.
He should be a management consultant.
I doubt he is competent enough to look at your watch and tell you what time it is.
“If we increase costs, we can cut prices!”
The engineering required to intercept a cruise missile is rather lunatic in complexity.
But think of the crossover to self driving cars!
+ 1 Tang and Velcro
Please stop invoking Velcro.
*shudders, dies a little inside *
Good grief. Belmont Park is a sloppy mess. If I were an owner/ trainer, it pull my horses out today.
Preakness Stales is today at pimlico, but the teevee is showing races at all three major tracks to while away the time.
(FS2 for those who’d like to watch the ponies)
I believe it. It’s been raining all day.
Is Neph here? I got a couple of links I’m sure he’s familiar with: Time Bomb. Also, Waiting Room. There you go. Don’t say I never did anything for you. It might have been pointless and unneeded, but that’s how I roll.
Love it. Fugazi is one of my faves.
I just saw your earlier question. I would love a zoom tutorial. How’s your day tomorrow look?
Okay. You have a time?
I’ll shoot you an email.
Thanks Penguin!
I am well familiar. The girlfriend is always irritated because she’s yet to see Rancid play Time Bomb live either of the times she’s seen them.
Another belated reply to a set of comments earlier this week – didn’t see this mentioned – I’ve been using Barclays Savings Bank the last few years (in addition to my legacy accounts). Currently 4% APY interest – the highest I’ve seen for a while.
Qualifying for the Injanpliss Five Fucking Hunnert.
A couple of years too late:
“ Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch issues excoriating review of COVID lockdown policies including business closures and vaccine mandates and calls them ‘among the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the history of the nation’”
Wow. Talk about closing the barn door after the horses are already out.
Just like gun laws, they’ll just do it again, wait for it to wind through the courts, and repeat.
Honestly, reminding everyone what a cowardly, noodle-spined weakling you were when you could have made a difference is probably a strategy with zero upside.
Salt the fucking earth. I am in no mood any more to try to separate the wheat from the federal chaff. I give the entirety of the federal government all the legitimacy that the Vichy government had in occupied France.
At least Vichy had good water unlike DC.
Gorsuch dissented every time a COVID related case got to SCOTUS. There’s not much else he can do aside from choking Roberts to death.
I’d chip in for his defense fund.
I’d send hand cream afterwards. The same way people sent more canes to Rep Brooks (D-SC).
Qualified Immunity?
Bathroom is tore up and new flooring put down. (Not by me).