Beyond a stupid pun, there’s no theme this morning, just my stream of unconsciousness.

Birthdays today include John Money’s spirit animal; a guy with a great bottom; a guy who passed the test; the emptiest suit to ever inhabit Foggy Bottom; an absolute saint among men; a woman responsible for keeping a war going for fun and profit; the First Lady of country; the most corrupt SC justice ever, which must be true because all the newspapers said so;  and a woman who has been in a disturbing percentage of my favorite movies.

And now we Link.


Stay. The. Fuck. Out.


WebDom and I know where not to go.


Louis Tomlinson? Jesus, punishment enough.


Some kinks I’ll never understand.


No way this was silenced to push Hunter Biden out of the headlines. You’d have to be a horrible cynic to believe that. Horrible.


The photo alone explained sooooo much. Them is one ugly dude.


Most Transparent Administration Ever.


Old Guy Music today is a brief venture into the world of disco. Those who know, know, those who don’t shortly will.