A while back I broke from NYT Acrostic norms and did a puzzle based on a quote from a movie not from a book, this time I’ve used a song lyric, it’s a fairly popular one amongst some Glibs so it may be an easy one for the acrostic hesitant to take stab at, also the song title is very short so I used the album title for the attribution part (Band name album title.)

Book wise I got nothing so lets revisit a tried and true subject – What book or books would you suggest for a libertarian curious noob, my stand by answer is  Ain’t Nobody’s Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Society by Peter McWilliams, So give this entry level puzzle a shot and tell us your suggestions in the comments, or not blah blah blah…

Music to solve Glibcrostics to

Online Version

Solution link

Goddammit! Every time I finish formatting all this I see a ‘typo’ , feel free to add an ‘r’ into clue D. I ain’t starting over at this point.

Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is “What Are We Reading” Day so if you want to participate get your reports in to HeyBuddyStopDoingThat@protonmail.com by the second to last Sunday.