Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! It’s that wonderful time again to sit down, sip that coffee, bitch about traffic to your coworker and enjoy another beautiful day and the links!


Lawmaker probing J6 security failures: ‘People of interest’ may have withheld critical intel


Democrat-led J6 panel added audio to silent security video for primetime hearings



ATF: Pot Users Can’t Legally Own Firearms Regardless Of State Laws


Texas governor says he wants to eliminate property taxes


Almost 4,000 American jobs were lost last month following the use of artificial intelligence (AI)


NBC’s Chuck Todd Will Step Down as Host of ‘Meet the Press’


Fox News sees 37% year over year decline


Yellowstone tourists put baby elk in car, drive it to police station


That’s all I got for today.  I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.