Here we are again on Monday afternoon. I should really pick a better day to link. Monday is pretty slow. But absolutely packed with meetings. If meetings were currency, my company would be the richest company in the world. “Why don’t we go faster?” — Looks at 34 hours of meetings on calendar last week. Other than that, the baby was sick last week, but not to sick to play peek-a-boo. Bonus chuckles for when he only covers his eyes with the blanket. Smartest. Baby. Evar.

Here’s a Florida resident just trying to get a dip in the Gulf, and all these tourists keep hassling him. For those who don’t click through, he’s a black bear.

I see Elon has found his Mini-Me. h/t Mexican Sharpshooter.

I wonder how many scientists Italy will prosecute if this volcano erupts.

Damn. At least he made his last shot count and saved the taxpayers some money.


This is not a great song, but its been rattling around in my head with alternate lyrics since I heard Uncle Ted died.