
Vegas has moved within 1 win of holding the Stanley Cup. Man City finally won the UCL (and the treble, which is quite impressive). Now let’s wrap up the FFP investigation and do the math. This will be the extent of my NBA coverage. Le Mans was fun for a while. But the coverage focused way too much on the hypercard and not where the real fun was. And Nole did what Nole does when he gets to a final: he destroyed his opponent. I can’t wait to see him win the Grand Slam this year. And that’s it for sports.

That’s some quality infrastructure you got there. I remember when infrastructure bills funded repairs. Now they fund everything but.

This, to me, is hilarious. I just wish it would regularly happen here.

That’s quite the headline. I didn’t expect the coping and seething to happen until they started the actual trial.

Dude, please stop.

This guy really needs to stop talking. I don’t know who his attorney is, but he needs to tell him to stop talking to the media.

Arrivederci, Bunga Bunga! This dude was  a piece of work. He will be missed.

I assume this happens with some regularity. And I wonder if it’ll be used as a push for virtual currencies.

How to lead

This is kind of sketchy behavior. But unless you enact some sort of price-fixing scheme (which they’ll probably do since its California), I don’t see how you can do much about it aside from comparison shopping to see if the price is in line with competitors.

The answer is no. No it does not. It’s just a taxpayer-funded boondoggle that is, thankfully, gamed any smarter people than the politicians running it.

Here’s a wonderful track. Man, I love these guys. And here’s another gem. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends. Me and Banjos are off to Mexico.