Saturday Morning Happy Hookah Links

by | Jun 10, 2023 | Daily Links | 154 comments

Those fucking beady-eyed floppy headed Canadians fucked us over again. The fires in Quebec didn’t smoke out Montreal, they sent their smoke here. And since we’re in a valley that runs in the direction of the airflow, we didn’t have a chance. The smoke was thick enough that we could barely see to the end of the block, and breathing was like being inside of a water pipe. I blame Canada and especially Young Castro.

Anyway, that won’t slow us down, so we can point out that birthdays today include a guy who claimed much and did little; the no-doubt-next victim of cancel culture; a literal giant of blues; the hero of police nationwide; easily the most interesting person in British royalty; someone who wasn’t gay yet became a gay icon; the last actually honest liberal; a guy who managed to simultaneously infuriate Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins; the most solid and classy guy to ever play for the Orioles; one of a fine tradition of criminal New York governors; and a guy who for mysterious reasons was taken seriously as a presidential candidate.

Ehhhh, what’s the point? Let’s do Links.


I have no idea what this even means.


Sushi terrorism?


The spinoff That’s My Paul! will be even better.


If this is a surprise, you’ve never been to a zoo.


I can personally attest that California “family law” is beyond horrible. It just got worse.


The article says this is evil. I think it’s more accurately described as stupid.


When Nickel Creek has a new album, it’s cause for the Old Man to celebrate. Join me.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. The Hyperbole

    a guy who claimed much and did little

    Happy Birthday Bro.

    • DEG

      I chuckled.

    • MikeS


    • PutridMeat

      You have some…. interesting…. fixations.

      • Brochettaward

        All the seconders want to be me and be with me.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He’s going to first the hell out of you for that quip.

    • DrOtto

      THAT’S how you first.

  2. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

  3. rhywun

    It just got worse.

    I got a headache trying to read that – is this the thing where they’ll take your kid away if you don’t go along with their tranniness?

    I see Wiener’s name at the top, it’s got to be awful.

    • Fourscore

      Just another reason to leave or not go to California.

      • cyto

        I wonder how far they have to go in order for their team to abandon them. The strategy of pushing some absurd position so that your allies in the press can vilify the response has been gold for the far left for decades. Pouncing Republicans are their best issue.

        But the republican establishment has moved so far left that they are having to stake out even more extreme provocations every few weeks. Remember that “children getting sex change treatments doesn’t exist” was the rebuke against those pouncing right wing extremists just a couple of months ago. “There are no hospitals doing these treatments on minors anywhere in the US” was the fact check repeated by pundits and politicians.

        Now we have blasted right past that lie and we are all the way at “denying gender affirming care is child abuse”.

        Just two or three months between those.

        I am astonished at the lack of short term memory demonstrated by the public. But at some point, people have to wake up.. right??

      • Sean

        There will be violence.

      • robodruid

        I am not sure if there will be violence.

        What I am seeing is an acceleration in inflation WRT foodstuffs and building materials. We are blessed with a good income and we are struggling. I don’t know how much longer this can continue.

      • cyto

        The rug is about to be pulled out from under GenX. They want everyone living in rental units in dense city centers, with no cars and no personal wealth.

        They don’t hide this. If you go to the places where the left hangs out, their big complaints include spending on commuter rail, single family housing. Roads that allow sprawl…

        There are entire communities devoted to banning cars.

        Our society is already extremely fragile. The “supply chain” issues born of COVID really made this clear. And even though COVID is gonez those supply chain issues are somehow still present.

        In my lifetime… Witnessing the 70s, 80s, 90’s,00’s and teens, I never saw empty grocery store shelves unless there was a big weather event.. snowstorm or hurricane.

        Now, even years later, empty shelves are normal. Paper goods are often in short supply. Car prices and supplies have still not come back to normal.

        Major industries like HVAC have been turned upside down by supply chain issues.

        Yet they want us more dependant. I remember being flummoxed during Katrina as hundreds of people just sat at the Superdome waiting for someone else to do something. The Mayor was feckless. They had a lot filled with school busses just a couple of miles away. Yet nobody had the simple thought to just walk down there and get the busses and leave. “To where?” They asked. Anywhere. Someplace with electricity and running water. Yet they waited. Like sheep.

        That is who they want us to be. Those sheep returned their feckless mayor to office. Someone who utterly failed in every way, and actively hindered the recovery for politics.

        You rural guys are dangerous. You suburban hypocrites too. Everyone needs to be inside the pen, waiting for the farmer to bring the slop to the trough. That way it is much easier to ensure that two legs are indeed better.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That’s what they want but it’s not inevitable. If things get bad enough there’s always national divorce and if the rule of law is out the window with selective prosecutions of political rivals and rampant federal corruption piled on top of economic woes I could see that actually happening.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        That one teen stole a bus during Katrina.

      • R C Dean

        “The rug is about to be pulled out from under GenX. “

        I hadn’t really thought of Gen X as being environmental extremists. To me, that’s more of a Millenial/Gen Z thing.

      • MikeS

        I read the following “they” as meaning Millennial/Gen Z

      • R C Dean

        I think you’re right, Mike’S.

      • cyto

        The idea of actual violent clashes is no longer nutty.

        Even a couple of years ago I would have called such speculation tinfoil hat level thinking.

        But they are literally going to the mattresses over castrating 12 year old boys who say they want to be girls.

        Nobody can possibly want to die on that hill.


        They do seem to have a very large army of shockph troops willing to fight in the streets over it, and they have most of the relevant infrastructure under their control to ensure that early skir!ishes happen and are framed the way they want.

        We just saw a California protest against these school policies attacked by a coordinated Antifa action – which the press dutifully reported as “extreme right wing activists attack trans rights protesters”.

        We saw New York watch Antifa repeatedly attack a group of proud boys… And then aggressively prosecute the proud boys.

        If this is indeed a shooting war, the first shots are already being fired, and the battles are all taking place at a place and time of their choosing. Which means they can use the power of the state to win.

      • Sean

        “Erik Boyd has a prior arrest related to felony child sex crimes with a minor under the age of 14 and assault with a deadly weapon.”

        According to Andy Ngo: “The charges related to sexual contact with a child below 14 were dismissed or not prosecuted, but Boyd was convicted after pleading “no contest” to the assault with a deadly weapon charge.”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Felony child sex crimes seem to be get you bonus points if you’re a sex offender Sean. It’s like having the plus membership at Costco, you get special treatment.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        As an Antifa member I meant.

      • R C Dean

        Their army of shock troops (not to be confused with opportunistic looters) is not very big at all. And whenever they have ventured out from under the protective umbrella of Soros prosecutors, well, they haven’t experienced success. Tucson had one (1) BLM riot. I think Phoenix had two.

        They showed up in hometown to “protest” a Confederate statue there. Let’s just say the statue is still in place.

        BLM/antifa isn’t going to take America down. That’s the job of federal alphabet agencies, Congress, and the Treasury.

      • cyto

        Nate the Lawyer had a good example of this phenomenon

        The “Bicycle Karen” social media outrage was a perfect encapsulation of this plasticity of memory when poisoned by political and tribal thought.

        Some race huxter posted his analysis in which he layed out the counterexample.. if a white lady had rented the bike and a black man had tried to take it, we would call that theft.

        Well… That worm turned really quickly when she proved that this is precisely what happened.

        And what did our huxter do?

        He dragged those goalposts.

        Bonus, he said she “weapnized white tears”… And then proceeded to cry over the injustice of not automatically taking the side of a young black man in a dispute over a rental.

        The dude layed out his personal standards for objectively judging the situation… And then abandoned it a week later when the facts proved difficult for his biases.

      • cyto

        This is politics. And specifically, this is the left of the last couple of decades. They just say it louder and more often.. and cognitive bias of team players just overrides their lying eyes.

        I remember Matt Welch of reason magazine ridiculing Trump for claiming “his wires were tapped”. He said only a crazy person would believe that.. and it would obviously be illegal and a horrible crime against democracy.

        9 months later ….

        “Of course they were tapping his phones… He is a Russian puppet!”

        This is tribalism. This is politics. And this is how America is being taken over by communists. (Not your father’s communists, but actual Marxists who think that only through a Marxist revolution can we be free)

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Oh, that guy- The Young Turks’ resident racial rabble rouser. He really is a sack of shit, just one of the worst.

      • cyto

        What I find both instructive and frightening is that I think he truly believes it.

        He is a character from a dystopian novel. He remembers the “four legs” rule… But today he is certain that two legs are BETTER! He remembers Eurasia being out allies. But he truly believes we have always been at war with Eurasia.

        And what scares me is that he is not the exception.

        Part of what chased me away from TOS is the large number of writers there who share this trait.

        And if that herd of cats can be corraled like that, what how do we have?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I think he’s just an opportunistic grifter but his audience is stupid enough to buy it though.

      • Tres Cool

        My 1st project with New Company in a few weeks is in Cali. Its been almost 30 years since Ive been- Im anxious to see what the People’s Republic is like now.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Where in Cali though? It’s a big state.

      • Ted S.

        You’re going back to Cali?
        Huh, I don’t think so.

    • Tonio

      What this bill will do is legalize parental kidnapping. Parents from other states who take their allegedly trans kids to California will be awarded custody. Wannabe trans kids who make it to California on their own will either be emancipated or have custody awarded to non-parents.

      Kidnapping across state lines invokes federal jurisdiction and it will be interesting to see the contortions of Biden’s woke FBI refusing to intervene in the case of trans kids taken to California.

      • cyto

        This is an interesting insight.

        This already seems to be a feature of family law in the US. If you can drag the kids to a more favorable jurisdiction and file first, you can get some serious advantages. I cannot imagine California courts doing anything other than rubber stamping disputes concerning families from Florida or Texas. And with hundreds of thousands of migrants already in place, test cases actually do seem likely.

      • R C Dean

        Parts of the CA law are a blatant violation of the Full Faith and Credit clause. Of course, there’s no telling how many dicks and tits will get chopped off before that is sorted out.

        Because CA isn’t just allowing surgical mutilation. It is incentivizing it. If you want to take advantage of the tranny shield law, you’re going to need to actually transition the kids at some point.

  4. cyto

    “i have no idea what this even means”

    And due to a paywall, neither do I.

      • R.J.

        How is Dallas not on that chart? Did it not fit the narrative?

      • cyto

        I don’t trust their numbers.

        The only place I know anything about is Miami, which is just south of me. They have been in the midst of a building boom. There are probably a hundred thousand additional units completed since 2019.

        How population could have dropped is a mystery.

      • rhywun

        Miami city proper is tiny. They probably didn’t count or are ignorant of the surrounding metro region.

  5. Gender Traitor

    Old Woman Music: This one is so obvious someone has probably already linked it this week, but what the hell?

      • Gender Traitor

        Yup. That one was almost it until I thought of the other one. 😄

  6. robodruid

    Are there any glibs near Oklahoma?
    Some of our lambs are destined for freezer camp and planning on offering some cut rate meat.

    • R.J.

      I will be passing through the panhandle today, but I have a full car. If I have a weeks’ notice I will be happy to assist you with some cash.

      • robodruid

        They are not destined for camp until the fall. I will make an announcement.
        Just checking.

      • R.J.

        Then yes, I am interested.

      • Tundra

        Also interested.

  7. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “The series about the life of Jesus is from creator, director and producer Dallas Jenkins”
    Nope, if it isn’t written and directed (acted optional) by a preferably drunk Mel Gibson then I’m not interested.

    • Grosspatzer

      This. And Jim Caviezel is the true Jesus.

    • MikeS

      This show has already connected deeply with viewers around the world, and The CW will expand its audience even further.

      hahaha. Sure it will.

    • SDF-7

      Shrug. I may be a sucker, but I really enjoy The Chosen.

      • Ted S.

        Robbie Benson is incredibly wooden, though.

        Rod Steiger gets to have fun overacting.

    • hayeksplosives

      I am a huge fan of “The Gospel of John” starring that half peruvian, have scott dude from Lost.

      The movie is a 100% accurate reading/enactment of the Gospel of John; no interpretation, no creative license.

      Narrated by Christopher Plummer.

      I watch it once a year at least and have handed over dozens of the DVD version to curious watchers.

      Here it is on Youtube in its entirety, for free:

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Since I have no interest in having an account, paid or not, at the Economist (how the mighty are fallen), I guess I’ll never know what amoral cities are. I will just assume it is more of that “You’re either with us or against us” imbecility.

  9. DEG

    one of a fine tradition of criminal New York governors

    He’s a Vulcan steamroller.

    the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings.

    Woke Jesus? It’s not Netflix, but in this day and age…

    From there, the researchers used mathematical modeling to construct an evolutionary history of the behavior across primate species, which is how they discovered that, not only have primates been cranking it for tens of millions of years, but that the behavior has remained ubiquitous throughout the ages.

    Hopefully it is a better model than the one Neil Ferguson uses. Or Micheal Mann’s.

    • SDF-7

      Most definitely not Woke Jesus. Might border on Buddy Christ a little sometimes (they’re focused much more on His forgiveness and empathy) — but there are glimmers of anger sometimes (Sons of Thunder, a couple of scenes with Pharisees unsurprisingly). Being still early in the ministry (they’re just a little past the Sermon on the Mount and His sending out the Apostles for the first time), I can see why they have that focus — he’s more gathering the lost sheep at the moment.

      The end of Season 3 was great and spoke to a lot of questions I think we all have in our heart regarding Simon’s questioning leading up to the walking on the water scene.

      But I’m obviously a fan.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t help laughing just a bit at the weeping and wailing about a little smoke in the air. Out here, we call that “summer”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yeah, unless someone has bad asthma or something it’s not a big deal.

    • MikeS

      Anything that happens on the east coast is so much more super serious than if it happens to the rubes in fly over.

      • dbleagle

        We can’t blame America’s Hat for our bad air. We have our own mountain fucking up air quality for the last 40 years.

        But the views can be interesting.

        Recently we have had fountains over 300 feet high.

      • MikeS

        That is so cool…er…hot

  11. DEG

    Late start today… off to the gym. I wonder how crowded it will be.

  12. Grosspatzer

    “Amoral cities”.

    Not a list I’d want to be on. Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t fare too well.

    • R.J.

      Pillars of salt hardest hit.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As opposed to the immoral cities like San Fran and Portland. The Sodom and Gamorrites were trying to have sex with angels from what I understand but they were adults at least.

      • Grosspatzer

        Not just sex, buttsecks. Filthy Sodomites!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        You hear a lot about the Sodomites but what about Gomorrah? We’re they the vagina preferring city?

      • slumbrew


      • Pope Jimbo

        Irish. Have you never heard them yell Faith and Gomorrah?

      • slumbrew

        (with apologies to our resident furry [furries?] – I don’t actually have a problem with your kink)

      • Pope Jimbo

        Get in on the ground floor of furry!

        My prediction is that once gene splicing gets to a certain point and the furries can actually grow fur instead of wearing a costume, they will instantly dethrone the trannies as the victim group du jour.

        Think how much easier it will be to convince kids they should get gene therapy to have blue fir and cat ears

      • Fourscore


      • slumbrew

        I am actually a bit curious about such a thing (hint: article?).

        Would any/some/most furries go full body-mod if the tech was there and it was safe and comparatively easy?

      • Count Potato

        Do we have resident furry [furries?]?

      • slumbrew

        At least one, I believe.

  13. MikeS

    I’ll play the birthday boy

      • MikeS

        You and me both. haha

    • R.J.

      Happy birthday, whippersnapper!

      • R.J.

        Wait- You were talking about Howling Wolf, weren’t you?

      • MikeS


    • robodruid


    • MikeS

      I appreciate the birthday wishes, but sorry…no I was trying to play a song from Howlin’ Wolf, whose birthday is today.

  14. Tres Cool

    Q: What do you call a group of singing dolphins?
    A: An orca-stra.

    • Grosspatzer

      That is one whale of a pun. You’re killing me.

      • Ted S.

        Don’t forget he’s into whales.

    • SDF-7

      Heard on my “I’m two years behind” podcast earlier this morning:

      How do you know they’re dumbing down the generations?

      50 years ago your car’s owner’s manual had information on adjusting the valve timings.

      Today it has warnings not to drink the fluid from the battery.

      I had to laugh (though probably to keep from weeping).

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Republicans are dumb

    That Trump’s rivals are largely gifting him with solidarity reflects a nervous calculation that Republican voters will side with him against every indictment, no matter how bad they look. It also speaks to the party’s increasing comfort with disregarding the rule of law. In the process, other would-be nominees are helping Trump secure the nomination by giving up what could be their best weapon against him.

    After news emerged on Thursday that Trump was being indicted over his mishandling of classified documents, most 2024 contenders swiftly denounced the indictment and sided with the former president. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis decried “the weaponization of federal law enforcement” and promised to “bring accountability” to the Justice Department (read: stack the department with political sympathizers) as president. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina also lamented the so-called “weaponization” of DOJ and implied that they’ve violated a legal presumption of innocence, despite the fact that no such thing has happened. Former biotech executive Vivek Ramaswamy called the indictment an “affront to every citizen” and promised to pardon Trump on his first day in office. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley tweeted, “This is not how justice should be pursued in our country,” and called for the country to “move beyond the endless drama and distractions.”

    Real professional politicians, like virtually any Democrat you could name, would not flinch for an instant at a chance for wolfpack opportunism. They’d rip their leader’s throat out at the first hint of vulnerability.

    • slumbrew

      It also speaks to the party’s increasing comfort with disregarding the rule of law

      That’s some serious projection.

      • PutridMeat

        When the law has become a weaponized political tool and is twisted to unethical and immoral ends, disregarding the rule of law is pretty much a necessity for an ethical and moral actor.

      • Fourscore

        There is no law without someone to enforce it.

    • MikeS

      I didn’t see them quote Doug Burgum. They must have forgotten:

      “These are serious charges. But ask American voters, the people we’re talking to, they’ve got serious concerns about whether or not there’s trust in American institutions,” he said, later adding: “I try to focus, like I said, on the signal, not the noise, and I’ll leave those judgments to analysts.”

      Hmmm…a very political answer from the guy running on not being a politician. +1 demerit

    • robodruid

      And they don’t have comments turned on for that article….

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      At the very least they don’t want to crow about Trump being charged because they understand that they’re potentially next with the DOJ having been weaponized such as it is. Maybe it’s actually a sign of intelligence and the ability to foresee potential unintended consequences which the Dems seemingly completely lack.

      • R C Dean

        “Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.”

        Also, intended consequences. And prosecuting moar Repubs is absolutely intended.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, you’re right: Intended consequences for the right but unintended for the left because it’ll certainly be turned around on them.

      • Ted S.

        They may lose control of elected offices, but they think they’ll always have the bureaucracy slow-rolling things when a TEAM RED person is in office.

    • R C Dean

      Simple self-interest. They know they’re next if this succeeds.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    The collective act of generosity from Trump’s competitors can be explained both through political and ideological lenses. Politically, many Republicans believe that the cult of Trump and his persecution complex is too risky to provoke. Admitting that the indictments could reflect a truly independent and fair legal process would be out of step with the base, a huge chunk of which buys into Trump’s deep state conspiracy theories. Ideologically speaking, it’s clear that the mainstream GOP is comfortable with authoritarian tendencies, as displayed by their cool reaction to the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s not a surprise that they are happy to delegitimize the criminal justice system and encourage the public to see it as political arena.

    But even taking these calculations into account, it’s still bizarre that almost none of the Republican 2024 contenders are seeing the indictments as an opportunity to label Trump unelectable in the general election. Trump is currently on his way to dominating the primaries, and as long as they’re unwilling to point out even his most obvious new vulnerability, it’ll remain that way.

    Why don’t they despise and renounce the “Trump base”? They need to get their minds right.

    “Ideologically speaking, it’s clear that the mainstream GOP is comfortable with authoritarian tendencies, as displayed by their cool reaction to the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s not a surprise that they are happy to delegitimize the criminal justice system and encourage the public to see it as political arena.”

    Not going along with the mass arrests and relentless prosecution of anyone who dared to question the legitimacy of the election is a clear example of authoritarianism at its most extreme.

    Pardon me for saying this, but that seems completely ass backward to me.

  17. The Late P Brooks


    The White House said on Friday that Russia appeared to be deepening its defense cooperation with Iran and had received hundreds of one-way attack drones that it is using to strike Ukraine.

    Citing newly declassified information, the White House said the drones, or Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), were built in Iran, shipped across the Caspian Sea and then used by Russian forces against Ukraine.

    “Russia has been using Iranian UAVs in recent weeks to strike Kyiv and terrorize the Ukrainian population, and the Russia-Iran military partnership appears to be deepening,” White House spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

    No outside help. That’s cheating.

    Also- “Newly declassified”?

    By whom? Who has the authority to declassify vital military secrets propaganda?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Hell, we oughtta license build the damn things-seem pretty cost-effective.

      • R C Dean

        Nobody in the MIC is interested in cost-effective.

    • SDF-7

      Joe took the ‘Vette down to the local Dairy Queen with the top down and some documents caught the air on the way.

      • Fourscore

        I can see a new board game, “Top Secret”, where the person with the highest number of TS cards is the First Loser

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Kirby said the U.S. had information that Russia was receiving materials from Iran required to build a drone manufacturing plant that could be fully operational early next year.

    “We are releasing satellite imagery of the planned location of this UAV manufacturing plant in Russia’s Alabuga Special Economic Zone,” he said.

    I foresee an industrial accident on a large scale.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Was that supposed to be a vid of it? Looks like a Roman candle.

    • Count Potato

      I’m not saying it was aliens.

    • MikeS

      You mean, “What the actual heck?” It’s the Bee.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Any respectable university would fire her for that or at least put a hell of a letter in her file. What a bitch and, yeah, pic checks out.

      • R C Dean

        The sneering moral superiority just jumps off the screen, doesn’t it?

        And there’s no fixing that without the equivalent of a religious conversion. None of this can be fixed without mass terminations, and that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Coming soon

    The plan had been delayed for years, but it cleared a milestone last month when the Federal Highway Administration signed off on the release of an environmental assessment. The public has until Monday to review the report, and the federal government is widely expected to approve it shortly after.

    From there, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) can finalize toll rates, as well as discounts and exemptions for certain drivers.

    New York City is still clawing out of from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Congestion pricing advocates say it’s a crucial piece of the city’s recovery and a way to re-imagine the city for the future.

    “This program is critical to New York City’s long-term success,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said last month.

    The plan would also mark the culmination of more than a half-century of efforts to implement congestion pricing in New York City. Despite support from several New York City mayors and state governors, car and truck owners in outer boroughs and the suburbs helped defeat proposals.


    Congestion comes with physical and societal costs, too: more accidents, carbon emissions and pollution happen as belching, honking cars take up space that could be optimized for pedestrians and outdoor dining.

    A glorious future awaits.

    • R C Dean

      The key to making a city successful is to make it more expensive and difficult to use. It’s just common sense.

      • slumbrew

        Good thing all the food distributors in NYC ship their goods by subway.

        Oh, wait…

        When the distributor’s higher expenses are reflected in higher food prices, the distributors will no doubt be portrayed as heartless price gougers.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sorry ma’am, we have a strict no visible labia policy for our restaurant patrons.

    • MikeS

      LOOK AT ME!!!

    • slumbrew

      Even at 24 I think that would be a “I am not going out in public with you dressed like that”.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Proponents also note it will improve public transit, an essential part of New York life. About 75% of trips downtown are via public transit.

    But public-transit ridership is 35% to 45% lower compared to pre-pandemic levels. The MTA says congestion fees will generate a critical source of revenue to fund $15 billion in future investments to modernize the city’s 100-year-old public transit system.

    Just a few trillion dollars more, and we can make this system clean, safe and efficient. People will beg for a chance to ride. We just need to forcibly eliminate alternative means of travel.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I see headlines about “You can’t compare Hillary’s or Joe’s document mix-ups with Trump’s!”

    That’s true. Neither of them were President when they misappropriated classified documents.

    • R C Dean

      Remember when the feds(!) confirmed that Hillary’s server had been compromised by at least one foreign intelligence service?

      Or when Joe was storing classified documents in offices that were shared with foreign nationals? And other insecure locations?

      Or when Obama refused to turn over documents to the National Archives?

      Yeah, not even remotely comparable.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Improving public transportation is also key to New York City’s post-pandemic economic recovery: If commutes to work are too unreliable, people are less likely to visit the office and shop at stores around their workplaces. Congestion charge advocates hope the program will create more space for amenities like wider sidewalks, bike lanes, plazas, benches, trees and public bathrooms.

    *guffaws, slaps knee*

  23. Count Potato

    “NYC private schools teaching ‘sexuality curriculum’ in woke kindergarten classes

    One education consultant confirms that some of the city’s top private schools now ask about a child’s gender identity and preferred pronouns on their kindergarten admissions applications.

    The schools — with kindergarten tuition north of $60,000 — shamelessly boast about the instruction in their online course materials….

    Corporate interests and leftist nonprofits such as the Human Rights Campaign and the American Civil Liberties Union have joined in an all-out effort to push gender ideology on young children — part of a “radical ideology of expressive individualism,” said Jay Richards, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

    “There are massive medical incentives, including pharmaceutical companies that stand to make money from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones,” Richards said. “Any patient that receives gender affirming care, that’s a lifelong customer for drug companies.””

    Shoot the parents.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As distasteful as I find it it looks like we’re just going to have to let some sick in the head fucks mentally and physically mutilate their kids. The restriction of parental rights that’d be necessary to bar all this would encroach on legitimate rights too. Take care of your own and let that be that.

      • slumbrew

        It does feel like a bit of a trap re: parental rights.

        Maybe not on purpose, but I wouldn’t put it past some people (“we’ll get parents to do stuff to their kids that’s so fucked-up even the Right will agree that parental rights are subordinate to the state!”). That’s a depressing thought. I’d prefer to be wrong.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Some restrictions are fine but these are parents sending their kids to private schools and they presumably agree for the most part with what’s being taught. Unfortunate for the kids, no doubt.

      • Ted S.

        It’ll stop when a boy who doesn’t want to be transitioned kills his mother.

  24. juris imprudent

    That’s My Paul!

    Call Saul – The Original!

  25. Count Potato

    “Cop-hating Queens Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán is pushing a new bill that would all but legitimize — and subsidize — the Big Apple’s illegal sex worker industry.

    The Democratic socialist, a longtime advocate of decriminalizing sex work, introduced legislation that would grease the wheels for past and present prostitutes and other sex workers to easily receive taxpayer-funded assistance through nonprofits and other organizations while also making it illegal for them to be discriminated against by prospective landlords and others.”

    Just like marijuana, these assholes can’t simply legalize something.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Even at 24 I think that would be a “I am not going out in public with you dressed like that”.

    I have seen actual street whores with better taste in “clothes”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Next patron to the host: Could you wipe down the seat cushion with some hand sanitizer before I sit down at least?

    • Count Potato

      Remember when celebrities wore clothing made of cloth?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Weren’t they all Marxist-Linenist back then?

  27. Count Potato

    “Susie Green, the former chief executive of Mermaids, who stood down “unexpectedly” last year, has been hiding in plain sight for so long that I sincerely hope we can see her clearly now. How this woman was ever allowed to have so much influence over vulnerable children, never mind medical professionals, is frankly disturbing. She is a former IT consultant with no medical training – unless you count the fact that she won 2016’s Sparkle Diversity Champion of the Year as a specialised qualification. I certainly don’t. The story of how much power she came to have remains shocking…”

  28. hayeksplosives


    Good morning, Gentlepeople.

    *squints at Links and comments*

    Oh good grief. I’m going back to bed.

    Need to sleep for 48 hours to recover anyway. Saw bestie off to the airport in the wee hours. Not gonna see him for at least 8 weeks. Fortunately I have a heck of a “to do” list that will help the time fly.

    Have a great weekend, folksies!

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of hysterical self-mutilation

    Angelina Jolie revealed yesterday in a New York Times op-ed article that she underwent a double mastectomy so she wouldn’t get breast cancer. Choosing that operation must have been an extraordinarily difficult decision. Going public with it must have been equally difficult. Telling her story may help other women learn more about the genes that underlie some—but not all—breast cancers and the tests available for them. For some women, the benefits of such a serious preventive step outweigh the risks, for personal and medical reasons. But this may not be true for every woman.

    Jolie underwent what’s called a prophylactic double mastectomy. That means she had both of her breasts removed even though she hadn’t been diagnosed with breast cancer. She said she did this because she carries a gene, called BRCA1, that significantly increases the odds of developing breast or ovarian cancer.

    I thought this was bizarre and insane at the time, but in retrospect, compared to the current trend of “gender affirming medical treatment” it looks supremely rational and carefully considered.

    • SDF-7

      Nobody let slip the odds of her eventual death….

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Need to sleep for 48 hours to recover anyway. Saw bestie off to the airport in the wee hours. Not gonna see him for at least 8 weeks. Fortunately I have a heck of a “to do” list that will help the time fly.

    That should give you time to get your hands on some vitamin E.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    In other news

    In the very chamber where Los Angeles City Council members once debated banning zoot suits, city leaders formally apologized Friday for the role the city government played in fueling the brutal attacks on young Latino, Filipino and Black Angelenos that played out across the city eight decades ago.

    The apology comes exactly 80 years after the dark chapter in city history where mobs of white servicemen — joined by police officers and civilians — roamed the city instigating brutal attacks on minority youths. The indiscriminate violence was dubbed the “Zoot Suit riots,” named for the baggy suits popular among the young people at the time.

    “The city of L.A. can finally take responsibility and apologize for its role effectively sanctioning the violence perpetuated eight decades ago,” said Councilmember Kevin de León, who introduced a council resolution last month condemning the riots.


    In the first week of June 1943, minority youths were beaten, harassed and their clothing was ripped off in the streets, according to reports from the time. Some were urinated on in public, De León said.

    “I remember my mother distinctly telling me when I was a kid how angry and upset she was watching young Mexican kids running down the street naked from having their suit ripped off,” said Miguel Lopez with the Chicano Moratorium Committee, who was flanked in the front of the council chamber by a few dozen people dressed in pachuco style.

    As the speakers stood at the front of council chambers, black-and-white historical images, old newspaper clippings and recent footage of lowriders cruising over the 6th Street Viaduct flashed on two TV screens above the council horseshoe. The newspaper clippings highlighted the support outlets at the time, namely The Times, gave to the cause of the white mobs rather than the victims. “Zoot suiters learn lesson in fights with servicemen,” read one such headline.

    Manny Alcaraz, described as a Pachuco culture enthusiast, said he hoped the city’s apology would inform young generations both about the riots and the long list of famous Zoot Suiters who wore the attire the Los Angeles City Council had tried to ban: Cesar Chavez, Cab Calloway and Malcolm X, to name a few.

    The tribalists will always be with us.

  32. Brochettaward

    Anyone else notice how media seamlessly shift between calling the illegals refugees and migrants? Those terms are very different. Both are examples of newspeak in the first place, but they know which one to use when they want to get max sympathy.

    • Brochettaward

      The Guardian article did introduce a new to me example of news speak, though. “Irregular” immigration. It’s a flood of illegal immigration and it isn’t all that irregular.

    • hayeksplosives

      Morning, Bro. Again I apologize for bitching at you the other day.

      The use of the term “migrant” when recto illegal immigrants irks me to no end.

      Back in the 80s/90s, the phrase “migrant worker” was commonplace and even coded into law here and there. Migrant meant people who came into the US seasonally to plant and work the fields, then harvest, then go back home. Migratory patterns were seasonally based, just like with birds, butterflies and the like.

      Now, just within the past 10(?) years or so, permanent immigration of non-working people with zero plans of ever leaving again are suddenly “migrants.” Total misuse of the term.

      Anyone who’s watched Monty Python’s Holy Grail knows this.

      • hayeksplosives

        How did “referring to” become “recto”?

        Stoopid autocorrect.

  33. Evan from Evansville

    Y’all seem all gone, off doing things.

    That’s normally what I’d do. But yesterday was my last day of work, (accidentally?) timing it with payday. So I’m now unemployed. I have absolutely nothing to do.

    (Not exactly true, but passing-the-keys stuff at most.)

    This is my first actual day off, where I wasn’t also at a hospital, in 10 months. Hrm. This is already goofy. I will love it for a week.

    Goal for weekend I made last night: Send two articles from my paper, and two solo bits to show range to this podcast job I sincerely dig. Oh, dear.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m not off, I just woke up.

      • Evan from Evansville

        That’s step one. Hop on and chill down.

        I don’t know what to do with myself and I love it. Or I do so far. I have no idea how this will go.

        I’m quite curious.

  34. Tundra

    Good morning friends!

    I hope y’all have a great day!

    I’m going hiking.

    • MikeS

      Have fun! I’m off to cut steel with a ~45,000F plasma beam!

      • hayeksplosives

        Ooh, you’re giving me the vapors over here!