I think the Bud Light updates are going to come to an end this week, with the news of Modelo unseating Bud Light as America’s best selling beer. Once again, Mexico wins by doing what it does best: giving Americans what they didn’t think they would want.
You know, like donkey shows.
This is my review of Mother Road Brewing Sunday Drive American Lager:
Yesterday a coworker of mine during the awkward moments before the Zoom meeting begins quipped “at least the sky isn’t orange anymore.” At which point I interjected and informed the majority east coast based team that this sort of thing happens where I live all the time. A sky filled with smoke, dust, or apparently grasshoppers occurs at least once a year.

Snake Plisken on line one
Still, 2/3 of the country lives on the eastern seaboard so I get it—this is weird for them therefore it gets to be a thing.
The fun part is Canada is taking the blame for this in a less than heroic way. Lashing out in their signature politely at the conspiracy theories that range from space lasers, flame throwers, and even hockey players predicting this is the impetus for “climate lockdowns.” No, the obvious explanation is the Matrix-approved conspiracy because self-awareness is no longer a thing.
I intend to throw more fuel on that conspiracy fire by suggesting maybe Canada’s problem is they were dumb enough to try out DEI compliant hot shot teams (TW: The Blaze):
Since May 1, dozens of firefighters and prospective firefighters have gathered at Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, for the Women-in-Fire Training Exchange, better known as WTREX. WTREX is designed to provide an opportunity for people “of all different genders, ethnic, and racial backgrounds to explore the growing role of women in fire management” and to gain valuable “experience in wildland fire operations.” Participation is capped at 35 enrollees, though an event flyer warns that acceptance into the program will be weighed with “diversity and inclusion goals in mind.”
[…]Sometime that evening, the fire was listed as “out of control,” but thanks to a fortuitous rainfall and the help of five helicopters flown by pilots of unknown racial and gender identities, the fire was upgraded to “being held” by about 11 p.m. In all, three extra hectares — about 7.5 acres — were burned, affecting a local cemetery and a couple of horse-farm buildings. There are no known reports of human or animal injuries.
Choose the explanation that suits you.
This beer is actually more interesting that it appears. It looks like the average, run of the mill, lawnmower style Pilsner. Its not, its a bit more interesting than that. Maybe they couldn’t get their hands on Czech style hops and found they had a shit load of hops to suit their large IPA repertoire the hippies and Indians in the norther part of Arizona seem to love—I don’t know. Its a Pilsner that has the ever so slight grapefruit backing that one might find in a grapefruit IPA, but not so much that I am wondering if I need to squat more to counteract the onslaught of phytoestrogens from hops in the beer. Its still balanced nicely like a Pilsner. Screwy but it actually works. Mother Road Brewing Sunday Drive American Lager: 3.1/5 4.5-5%ABV
“A sky filled with smoke, dust, or apparently grasshoppers occurs at least once a year.”
They prefer to be called Locust-Americans.
“Since May 1, dozens of firefighters and prospective firefighters have gathered at Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada”
Hilarious, but far from where these fires are.
I’m sorry, but claiming Modelo is America’s most popular beer strikes me as complete bullshit.
They currently have the largest market share, but it’s like 9%. Bud Light was slightly higher. So, there really isn’t anything dominating the market.
It was Coors Light in Colorado countryside all this week. Bud Light was not on tap at any restaurant I went into. That was maybe four restaurants so not a good representative sample.
It seems a bit strange to go into any restaurant/bar and not find Bud Light on tap, though.
Could have just been a distributor thing. Bud products may not make it to the deep country. It isn’t ubiquitous. I don’t think it was a restaurant making a spur of the moment change.
It’s also Colorado. Perhaps you needed to find a trucker to haul a truckload of Bud Light west to Colorado.
Someone tried but the tranny went out.
And I suspect the number of people not buying Bud Light has actually dropped more than 30% and the true numbers are far higher.
Meh. Someone says IPA, I run away. I do not like them, Sam I Am.
How can you prove your manhood if you don’t drink something terribly bitter?
Insanely hot peppers, natch.
Coffee. I like it black and bitter like my heart.
You and me both.
There used to be IPAs that did not taste like Fresca, all totally on the grapefruit side. All gone. Even Yuenling once made an IPL, and that was a decent beer. Now all of them taste like a citrus carnival. Bleeh. So run Sam, run.
Ain’t the first time the US has been invaded by Canadian smoke. Flying over Canada in a small plane one can see the wonderment of beautiful forests and lakes and lack of people. If it wasn’t for the snow in the winter and mosquitoes in the summer there would be more people, ehh? The Canadian people are nice, too.
an event flyer warns that acceptance into the program will be weighed with “diversity and inclusion goals in mind.”
Experience and aptitude optional.
The title led to an instant earworm, so thanks for that.
*goes looking for bee costume*
Yeah, that guy liked his acid.
found they had a shit load of hops to suit their large IPA repertoire
Tastes like pine sol toilet bowl cleaner?
They actually make a black IPA I rather like, I just don’t see it on the shelf all the time.
That’s not what IPAs taste like at all, you must have an unrefined palate. They taste like diesel fuel mixed with tonic water.
Appreciate the apology, but no one ever need apologize to me.
They currently have the largest market share, but it’s like 9%.
Outsells Coors Light, or god forbid, Miller Light? Seems improbable.
But what do I know?
Mexicans are the largest minority in the country by far.
Modelo’s a solid beer choice and their dark beer is tasty too.
Agreed. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are people who drank Bud and Bud Light out of habit who are now trying a new brand for the first time in many years.
Speaking of beer sales, I suspect I have singlehandedly changed the order for Pub Beer lager at my local Smith’s grocery store. It seems to have gained a bit of shelf space. I like it.
Another Ab InBev brand.
Not sure who owns it, but I’ve found Shiner Bock from Texas and it’s a pretty nice first and second beer. After that, I switch to something more robust, which sadly is usually also more expensive .
This is my shocked face.
Musk is there weighing in with a comment. If he picks up that story, we may see a real shitstorm for Activision.
Call of Duty is all about PRIDE. Now you can kill your enemies with “tolerance”.
I jokingly inserted “gluten free and non-GMO into a table of technical specs of a weapons system I’d designed.
Somehow it sneaked past our crack technical writing team and got printed.
Ah, good times. It’s the little things. 👍
Pb free and sourced humanly as well I hope.
F2M talks about male privilege.
Growing a beard doesn’t make you a man and I have never met any female transitioning who even came close to being anything like an actual male.
They had to throw in the line about how the way females feel about cis white men is still valid because they’d lose victimhood cred if they didn’t.
Sure but some of these people deserve empathy and that person seems to be one of them. She’s a victim of a reality denying society and it’s a shame, personal responsibility notwithstanding.
“Tesla autopilot crashes nearly triple”
From three to eight is “nearly triple.
Something, damned something, statistics
What’s the rate per miles driven?
The auto parking feature has made me fall in love with my 5 year old model 3 all over again. It eagerly offers to park any time I slow down, put it in reverse. And it sees the white lines of a parking space behind me.
Also parallel parks beautifully.
Once you go Tesla, there’s no going back.
BTW, the share price is back up over $244 despite the radical lefts best attempts to destroy Musk personally.
Anyone ever tried Pacifico Clara, a Mexican type beer brewed in Sinaloa? I’ve been buying it at Sam’s and it puts the Coronas and even the Modelos to shame. It’s the shit in a very good way.
I believe I’ve seen it in the Mexican beer section in town. I will grab a 12 when I go in later today.
It’s nice. Does not come in a clear glass bottle either, which keeps it from getting farty like Corona.
Yes, its pretty good compared to Modelo or Corona.
Negra M. is arguably even better.
It is, but I was comparing apples to apples.
Yes. Definitely better than those other beers.
I love Pacifico.
Currently enjoying my
firstsecond ever. Good stuff. Thanks for the recommendation. However, at $17/12pack, it’ll likely be the only 12 I ever drink.Pacifico is muy bueno.
Also- I notice they are using May sales numbers to make the claim of Modelo’s sudden broad popularity. Could there be anything which might cause a short term distortion?
Good catch, Guinness probably jumps up a few spots in March too.
Soccer season?
Straight arrow just-the-facts journalism
No matter which way you cut it, the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are stimulating a massive reinvestment in manufacturing, infrastructure, and good working class jobs in the United States. After decades of complaints, political potshots, and genuine economic pain from the loss of such working class jobs, we now have an administration that is doing something about the crisis and reversing the trend. And we had Democrats in control of the House and the Senate long enough to strongly support the president’s efforts and pass legislation that would enable the success. We are now beginning to reap the rewards — and there’s much more to come in the years ahead.
Praise Biden.
It should be real easy to provide hard data on showing rising incomes, then. All these great new jobs being created.
I haven’t heard the term burger flipping job since Bush the Lesser was in office.
What an absolute load of shit. Manufacturing has been doing very well before, through, and after COVID*. It is recently starting to slow a bit. And the guys in the company that have been around long enough they can see retirement are getting nervous about how things will look by the end of the year. I hope this article is right about the future, but giving Biden and the comically titled IRA credit is fucking propaganda. And not even believable propaganda.
*this is has been my experience with my empoyer that makes construction and oil field products.
Spending trillions of dollars makes their wages lower through inflation. It’s a backdoor tax. The idea that anyone who simply isn’t moving into a higher paying field is making more money under Biden is absurd. Especially when braying like an ass and giving credit to those bills.
I can’t believe Clean Technica would hold partisan views.
One aspect of the Trump case I haven’t seen anyone mention. I’m supposed to not only take the word of anonymous sources on what Trump said on these tapes (whose origin no one has explained), but believe that they would be described accurately by the people leaking when there are public statements Trump has made – shit that people can readily watch themselves – that have been completely mischaracterized by the media for years.
Who can forget the “good people” line from Charlottesville? But yes…I’ll definitely take your word on what he said on these tapes and your analysis of how it proves guilt while ignoring how they’ve glossed over all of his contemporaries doing the exact same shit he’s accused of doing.
Christ, Biden had a box full of documents locked in a closet in an office shared with foreign nationals and sent his lawyers to retrieve who lacked any clearances to retrieve them.
If you think that’s disingenuous just wait until the usual suspects start tying in the supposed violations of the Espionage Act with the Russian collusion narrative.
The closet was locked? That’s better than I expected.
Easy to say. Impossible to prove. I can’t tell you how many medical records I’ve found in supposedly locked closets.
Since they are compulsive liars, I don’t believe them.
Good catch
Meant for Brooks.
Good lord, I Gilmored the comments on my own article.
I thought you were purposely Brooks’ing a reply to Brooks
It works on multiple levels.
Explosive news:
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Dies in Federal Custody
He had a blast while he was living
I yelled across the house, “HEY HONEY THE UNABOMBER DIED!”
He yelled back, “OH GOOD!”
Not wrong.
Ted is known as the UnaFirster in my community.
Party of science!
Also Ted Kaczynski dead.
Joe is so fragile his handlers should have him do it as a video call.
Social distancing means he doesn’t have to be anywhere near them or spend much time at all.
How can he sniff girl hair from six feet away?
Pandora just served up this blast from the past which threw me back to the olden days listening to that Easy Rider soundtrack album a million times.
My favorite song of the album.
That’s not what IPAs taste like at all, you must have an unrefined palate. They taste like diesel fuel mixed with tonic water.
Haha, the joke’s on you, you dope. That’s Rainier.
This time with all the tags:
That’s not what IPAs taste like at all, you must have an unrefined palate. They taste like diesel fuel mixed with tonic water.
Haha, the joke’s on you, you dope. That’s Rainier.
*spits Ran-yay on keyboard*
You shut yer whore mouth! Nobody talks about Vitamin R that way!
Stupid fingers. Where’s Nelson Muntz?
No TWIP link yet? https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/06/the-week-in-pictures-blowing-smoke-everywhere-edition.php
Nice. I like this one.
Access Denied is a classic.
Ugh, not sure what happened.
Thanks, Edit Faerie!
There it is. It’s not about have women in scut work as actual wildland firefighters*, but in supervisory and middle level management or the ever growing ranks of support staff**.
*wildland firefighting isn’t so much firefighting anymore as precautionary principle guided containment***
**who would you rather be working with 10-16 hours a day: some grizzled 35 year with 20 years of actual real world experience telling you you’re doing it wrong or a 23 year C cup in tight pants?
*** until the weather changes and the wind shifts and 100% contained fire jumps and really becomes destructive. But it’s all due to climate change
If you can’t afford both, you complain that your staffing budget is too low.
Who are you, so wise in the ways of government spending?
Joe is so fragile his handlers should have him do it as a video call.
They should just use a cardboard cutout.
I could see that happening.
Modelo is a perfect beer for America. Just like Budweiser. Based on an original foreign beer but changed to market to an American audience.
GL: not sure if you saw my post a couple of days back…
“GL: saw your question the other night about non-progressive history textbooks. In terms of true textbooks, I don’t think you’re going to find anything. Most historians who get approached to write texts are quite accomplished and to be accomplished you’re not going to break to far from the standard narrative (or at least you’re not going to break in a non-progressive direction).
This book https://www.amazon.com/Patriots-History-United-States-Entitlement/dp/1595231153/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1097PEW6GU1HG&keywords=larry+schweikart+books&qid=1686275420&sprefix=schweik%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1
is written by two conservative historians (full disclosure, I’ve had some e-mail exchanges with Schweikart in the past, seems like a decent guy). I’ve not read all of it. It seems decent but, in some ways, it suffers from the mirror image problem of standard texts. That is, I felt like there were pushing on some events to make them fit a conservative narrative.
Another good interpretation is Paul Johnson’s Modern Times.”
I did not. Thank you sir!
So you know who rules you:
Seems to me that there is a flag code violation here, never mind the fact that only US flags should be draped on the White House.
The Eventual swing of the pendulum is going to mighty,
I really am not expecting much of a backlash.
*switches back to Panama real estate tab*
It’s what we stormed the beaches at Normandy over. It’s what we threw the British out for. What sort of country would we be if we didn’t celebrate people for who they want to fuck?
Its a Pilsner that has the ever so slight grapefruit backing that one might find in a grapefruit IPA,
Disagree. Sounds good to me. Beer should have some detectable hops in it, you know.
You can do that with Czech hops which are delicious.
And also, you’d then have a proper Pilsner.
You can also have a proper Pilsner with German hops.
A bridge too far?
Documentary Announcer: “Now that we know our cave was inhabited-”
Me: “No, you do not. You have one bone smaller than your finger that could easily have washed in with the rest of the sediment you’ve been finding nothing in for three days. That is not proof of habitation, it is a single potentially out of place artifact.”
So she is in favor of election meddling.
Powerline links always give me an error.
Individual links, no problems with the main page.
And I see that RJ already mentioned it in a much more Glib fashion.
Let the Snark flow through you…
How could you Nazi this coming?
Ban the opposition to save democracy and defeat fascism.
Woof. 100+ mile stretch of highway on 287. Only town so far was Kit Carson. This is a lonely stretch.
That’s why planes were invented.
This was for OMWC
Gah. Brooksed it.
Woof. 100+ mile stretch of highway on 287. Only town so far was Kit Carson. This is a lonely stretch.
Next stop, Rock Springs?
Sounds lovely, but no. Lamar is my next stop. No bad weather today at least. Spaniard is driving now. I did my 4 hours.
I feel wefweshed.
Lamar is my next stop.
Ah. Going east.
Eastward Ho!
Oh Lord. Another 200 miles of nothing, in a straight line.
The editing of that video is funny. Can’t say “whore” but “hoes” is perfectly acceptable. 🙄
That is funny. Listening to hair metal right now. Ratt is playing at the moment.
Oh, you mean time trials.
Go girl, go!
I remember when Kerry King had hair. Simpler times.
That’s a fun little bit of trivia I like dropping on people from time to time. (Him playing guitar on that album…not his hair)
Lol, I think I’m getting a 2022 Jeep Compass.
I made the dealership a low, but fair to me offer. They refused earlier today, but called me at the end of the day to accept.
I loved my Wrangler, but the quality difference between it and any VW Audi product is huge.
Correct. Volkswagens are wretched. I hate working on them.
Trailhawk package, so it’s got some upgrades. I’ll be able to tow trailers and go off road!
This is a fine thing. I believe it has the turbo four Tigershark engine.
I mentioned above that I’d wager a far greater percentage of Bud sales have dropped than reported. The 30%. The sales are probably being propped up by places that haven’t switched away from it that keep ordering. They’ve also been doing gimmicks to keep sales up that mean they are making less if not any money. It’s being reported the week of Memorial Day they dropped 60%.
Most likely. The real truth will come out when year end financials are released.
Oh, you mean time trials.
‘Til Daddy takes the T-Bird away.
Now watching Cannonball Run.
Philadelphia: trouble if you’re going to<a href=? keep moving. It may be okay if you’re not going downtown.
Ah shit; – downtown
Ah, fuck it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAA4QDgz658