So in a continuing series of stress tests, I’m doing a road trip with NPR Lady, a drive in to suburban Philadelphia to pick up, no, not throwing batteries, but some loudspeakers. This also will convince her that I wasn’t kidding about being a geek. For anyone else as geeky as I am, they’re Quad 988 ESLs, something I’ve lusted after for a long, long time. Anyway, if we’re still talking to each other when this is done, we’ll move on to our next stress test, about which more next weekend.

Wish me luck. But I suppose being born is luck and today’s lucky folks include the original Good Humor man; one of the people responsible for turning modern American Judaism into the joke it’s become; Perot’s running mate; the guy responsible for Jethro Tull’s biggest hit; a guy who raised being a total dick to an art form; a piece of shit grifter who should have died a long time ago for the good of our country; the best gunfighter, medical researcher, and accountant in Hollywood; one of the few Maryland governors who didn’t wear the title of “defendant”; an actress who had two great things going for her; the greatest quarterback I ever saw play (and I thought Unitas would never be topped); a piece of shit quack who couldn’t even beat a brain damaged lump-bearer; and a guy who fucked Selina Meyer.

On to links before I pile into the car and head to the City of Brotherly Love and Pelting Santa with Snowballs.


I think it’s just good business to find the right target audience, in this case the irreparably retarded.


Well, here’s a total surprise. Total surprise.


Another total shock. And we, of course, don’t EVER do that sort of thing routinely.


You know, Isaac Asimov already did this better.


Now if we can only get AI to replace the churchgoers, problem solved.


You know, The Rutles already did this better.


These people just aren’t getting with the program.


This was fun to wake up to today.