Experts associated with the Federation of American Scientists, along with economists from the Marx Institute at Karolinska University in Sweden, have issued a study showing that Ukraine’s post-war economy stands to experience explosive growth from an unexpected boon: Cluster Munitions.

While initially controversial, the decision by NATO nations to supply cluster bombs to fortify the fight for democracy in Ukraine will have a tremendous effect, not only on Ukraine’s ability to kill masses of Russian troops, tanks, and collateral, but on Ukraine’s post-war economy.

“One of the most important things in recovering from an unjust war of aggression is to ensure that the economy is rebuilt,” said Nobel Prize Winning economist Paul Krugman. “People need quality employment so that they can continue to feed their families when they return to the burned-out husks of their former homes and towns. Rebuilding the tax base is of primary importance for a recovering state.”

Krugman and fellow pundits say that many people will be employed to seek out, collect, and make safe the thousands of unexploded cluster bomblets that will litter the Ukrainian landscape following the inevitable victory of Ukrainian forces over Russian aggression. “Tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians will be able to pitch in to make their country livable again, and get paid handsomely in the process, while experiencing only a moderate increase in their chances of death or dismemberment.”

“Let a thousand flowers bloom, bursting forth new economic growth in Ukraine!,” said President Vlyodymyrrrrrrr Zielanskyiy. “Build Back Better,” agreed US President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., pointing out that Ukrainian glaziers will also be in high demand. “Broken windows equals more honest work and good pay for Ukranian families.”