Today’s music is dedicated to Boeing, for reasons explained below.

A PERSONAL NOTE: As some of you have heard, I now have a special gentleman friend. This is going to take my life in a new, good, direction. Stay tuned for tales and pictures. I’ve been particularly slack about my Glibs editorial duties for the past few weeks because of this. I let the ball drop on proofreading and editing, and apologize to anyone who I didn’t follow through with.



PROGS ROLL OUT BRAND-NEW VICTIM CLASS, “BANK TENANTS:” While this article is ostensibly about a county government quietly raising property assessments, as they so often do, the thing that struck me was the new-to-me phrase “bank tenants.” Home ownership has traditionally been the dividing line between the middle class and the working class. Now it seems people are seeking to redefine that; expect more shenanigans and class warfare.

BOEING TAKES A BATH ON STARLINER CREW CAPSULE CONTRACT: “Boeing took another loss on its CST-100 Starliner commercial crew program as the first crewed flight of that vehicle remains in limbo.” Never a good sign when the lead paragraph of a trade journal article uses that phrase.

HUNTER BIDEN TO BE DRUG TESTED AS A CONDITION OF PRETRIAL RELEASE: I finally found an article that speaks directly to the conditions of his pretrial release. While drug prohibition and unconstitutional infringements on 2A rights are both bullshit, it’s good to see a member of the political elite suffering some of the same consequences as regular people caught in the same circumstances.

NASA, DARPA PLAN 2026 TEST OF NUCLEAR ROCKET ENGINE: The DRACO Project engine is for deep space propulsion and doesn’t generate enough thrust to serve as an orbital booster. We should have had this decades earlier. Please note that SpaceX has a Draco (non-acronym) line of rocket thrusters and engines unrelated to this project.



LEGACY MEDIA SHITBAGGERY WATCH: Calling bullshit on that, Time magazine. Also, notice how they changed the apologia from “cannot catch a break” to “can’t turn the page.” Always remember, TMITE.

MOSCOW, IDAHO TAXPAYERS ON HOOK FOR SETTLING COVID LOCKDOWN LAWSUIT: “Moscow, Idaho has settled a lawsuit filed by three Christians who alleged the city violated their first and fourth amendment rights when they were arrested for taking part in a peaceful religious demonstration protesting Covid-19 restrictions.” That works out to about $11.79 per city resident. And none of the people responsible will suffer any personal consequences.

CHANDRAYAAN-3 NAILS TRANS LUNAR INSERTION: I really just wanted an excuse to link to this long animation of India’s Chandrayaan-3 Lunar lander and probe mission. Sorry, WION fanboys, but there are no MILF-y, sari-clad news presenters in this video. But here’s a special bonus tune just for you.

GLIBS CRUISE REMINDER: Shpip and KK are putting together a week-long Glibs cruise departing from Ft Lauderdale on Oct 21, 2024. Here’s a link to the details.