Way to stereotype!

I remember that in school (the student body of which had a sizeable Jew proportion), the teachers felt obligated to somehow tie in a Jew with the American Revolution. And it was always the same guy, a fucking moneylender. I was repelled by the obvious pandering and wanted to know who the Jewish Crispus Attucks was. Answer: ummmmm…. Hey, it was a Jew who gave George Washington a loan!

American birthdays on this auspicious day include an American whose book was typeset in red; an American to whose memory we should all drink; a brilliant and very, very American composer; my choice for the best president that the US ever had; an inventor who was even better than Edison; (((our))) true contribution to American culture; a true American who is Zardoz’s spirit animal; the female Donald Trump;  the most American playwright; the father of the funniest looking billionaire in America; one of the Americans who ruined our National Sport; a great American songwriter who worked in a truly American genre; and finally, an icon of American capitalism.

However, we are not independent from Links.


At some point, (((we))) are going to run out of patience.


Fill up!


Note that they’re making a big deal out of protective clothing.


Whatever happened to The Black Widow?


Why this is a big deal eludes me.


Get out. Now.


Old Guy Music features a birthday boy (whose name came up in Zoom last night) singing a song of freedom. And the theme is something we can all get behind.