It’s Monday everyone, and I have a serious case. My FIL passed away 4 years ago, and given our really shitty treatment by FLDOC employees on that day, I have the urge to firebomb some facility housing. Not sure I like the State of Florida enough to do them that favor though. In happier news, my littles went absolutely terrorist this weekend, just fucking shit up for the sake of it. If they weren’t so cute, it would be harder to put up with. Fifteen month olds shouldn’t be able to give you a look to make sure you’re watching and then push their toys down a flight of stairs.

Okay, on to the links…

You gotta love a political committee fight that starts with kick to the yarbles. That’s how family fights should go.

People will say that there are no heroes in America anymore, but then someone did this.

Here’s some good news out of a Florida prison.

I assume this means it is an excellent product.


We’ll go mid-90s pop for today. Bonus, my favorite video of the mid-90s.