WebDom is out of town having adventures, and I’m doing dogsitting duty. Her pup and mine (brother and sister) are running around the yard and in the house, nonstop and seemingly incapable of tiring. On the bright side, Kaiser took the single biggest dump I have ever seen from a dog, or for that matter, a human. NPR Lady (who is kindly helping me) was not impressed. Good times.

And birthdays are also good times, today’s including a guy who wanted you to come up and see his etchings; one of the few historians who got it right; a guy who got truly granular; a guy who was as unlucky as McCain and even worse as a senator; one of the prime culprits in ruining any intellectual pretenses in academia; a cowboy who did cow punchers one better; a hack politician who beat up a midget; a football player who was actually an interesting artist; one more cute chick who got fat and stupid; my nomination for the greatest rock musician you don’t know; a prime mover into taking journalism from stupid to totally retarded; the best governor ever; everyone’s favorite nerd; and SP’s second favorite baseball player.

Let’s Link before I get bitten.


Why I don’t do biology. Glasses and ceramics don’t have activists.


For anyone who still thinks there’s any difference between Team Red and Team Blue.


Of course it’s racism. It’s always racism.


I need photos to make a judgment about this.


This whole thing has turned into shitty performance art. Why anyone pays it the slightest attention is a mystery to



If SugarFree’s usual Wednesday pieces stop coming, you’ll know why.


Here’s a piece of history: punk psychedelia, which clearly influenced people like Stephin Merritt (Magnetic Fields). And featuring one of the birthday boys. Old Man is feeling trippy.