Well, NPR Lady and I have gotten to the point of introductions to (and judgments by) our respective families. WebDom noted, “Huh, she seems normal. What did you do to her?” Next up will be Spud. I was introduced to one of her kids and yesterday to one of her siblings. So far no disasters or running away screaming, but she hasn’t met SugarFree or Riven yet. Soon.

Anyway, in the celebration mode, birthdays today include the guy who inspired the character Biggus Dickus; a woman renowned for using natural selection to cull the herd; a woman whose name keeps coming up in NYT crossword puzzles; a guy who eventually made a wrong turn and didn’t ask directions; a guy who inspired a hilariously awful movie; the spiritual father of Louis Farrakhan; the hottest Jewess ever, with a trophy to prove it; an extremely fun SciFi writer; someone who proved that not all cops are bad; and a guy second only to Adam Sandler as a sure-fire sign that a movie will be awful.

Let’s Link Link Link.


OK, bring back cyclamates.


It’s racism. Of course.


More subsidy opportunity for BAE.


Cuing us up for yet another war.


“Because we’re special.”


“Do you know who’s falsely accusing me of antisemitism? The fucking Jews!”


Weird? Smollett? What?


Trigger Warning: Cuteness Overload.


The Old Man fucking loves this song. So Happy Sunday!