Northwestern fired Pat Fitzgerald. That’s gonna get litigated. Joker won. The top 4 seeded women all made the quarterfinals. I have no ideas what this will do for sports in the future. But it might be bad for biological women. And the Home Run Derby was last night and that means tonight is the All-Star Game.  And that’s it for sports.

They’re our responsibility now.

America has adopted another dependent. Do we get to claim them on our taxes, or no?

This headline isn’t biased at all. I’ll give them an alternate lede: “Europe To Decide Whether To Financially Commit Suicide.” It’s at least as honest as theirs.

What a mean, mean man. How dare he express his feelings to the woman he’s with. ::SMDH::

The voice of reason

Say stupid things. Win stupid prizes.

I actually believe their answer. They never know about anything that’s reported about their actions.

Now this is bizarre. And he might want to prepare himself for a long stay in prison.

Even this is too much. But it’s better than the alternative, I guess.

This will be interesting. It can’t possibly be as bad as what they’ve been doing, but I’m curious how it will work out.

Here’s a great track. And an early one from the catalog. And here’s one from much later. And it’s an absolute masterpiece.  Enjoy it.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.