Today we look at Bon Jovi first hit single, “Runaway” which appears on this 1984 album, cleverly titled Bon Jovi.
Bon Jovi pretty much exists because of this song.
It was originally recorded in 1981 for the so-called “Power Station Demos” at the beginning of singer Jon Bon Jovi’s career, featuring the vocalist backed by session musicians.
The song became a surprise hit in 1983 on WAPP-FM (now WKTU), leading to the formation of the first proper lineup of Bon Jovi for a short tour. (wiki)
But the video is a prime slice of early music video creation, MTV’s growing influence, and the production values of the time.
The Video
Flame boils toward the screen.
An eye opens, widens in surprise. Flame boils out again provided a wipe to the label on a filing cabinet:
X-8000 – X-8500
The label burns away to a newspaper clipping about a nuclear accident and victims of fallout. A note is clipped to the clippings: FILE X-8026
The song finally begins.
A young girl in a school uniform stands alone on a soundstage flooded by fog machines.
Close-up to the band briefly reflected in her open eye.
Brief shot of an older couple, presumably her parents. They appear to be unaffected by fallout.
Another close-up to the band briefly reflected in her open eye.
Slow zoom on the girl alone on the foggy soundstage. She is dark-haired, gaunt and has large eyebrows, possibly from radiation exposure.
Several quick cuts between girl, girl’s eye reflecting band, girl’s presumptive parents. Parents eventually fade away to just a shot of the foggy soundstage. Are they dead? Perhaps.
Lyrics begin as the band reflected in her eye makes a graphic match to the band playing.
On the street where you live
Girls talk about their social lives
They’re made of lipstick, plastic and paint
A touch of sable in their eyes
All your life all you’ve asked
When’s your Daddy gonna talk to you?
But you were living in another world
Trying to get your message through
When the camera pulls back, you can see that Jon Bon Jovi is wearing lavender leather pants. His shirt is torn and artificially dirty.
Alternating cuts of girl running in place on foggy soundstage and band playing.
No one heard a single word you said
They should have seen it in your eyes
What was going around your head
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
All those things she couldn’t say
Ooh, she’s a little runaway
Cut to girl on soundstage, now wet. From running? From rain? She is breathing heavily. She encounters vaguely threatening men and destroys them with a burst of flame from her pupil. They completely disappear, incinerated utterly, and the girl is still angry, snarling.
Take a line every night
Guaranteed to blow your mind
I see you out on the streets
Calling for a wild time
Dry, the girl looks out a window and has a flashback to the events of 3 seconds ago, the gout of fire, the incinerated Mad Max extras, a bombed out building.
So you sit home alone
‘Cause there’s nothing left that you can do
There’s only pictures hung in the shadows
Left there to look at you
Cut to the band, cut back to the girl, now on the soundstage where she killed the Mad Maxians, but this time her parents stand in the doorway of the bombed-out building. She then incinerates them as well.
You know she likes the lights
At night on the neon Broadway signs
She don’t really mind
It’s only love she hoped to find
Back to the band, playing you realize in front of the doorway where she just killed her parents. Very smoky explosions of going off in the background. A quick cut away to the girl, wetter than ever, at 02:34.
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
All those things she couldn’t say
Ooh, she’s a little runaway
No one heard a single word you said
They should have seen it in your eyes (seen it in your eyes)
What was going around your head
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
All those things she couldn’t say
Guitar solo
Very, very wet girl in a white button-down that is now translucent; crazy eyes, her breasts are formless flesh blobs due to pasties covering her nipples. A look of ecstasy comes over her face. At 3:17, a dissolve reveals the girl is now dry and dressed in some sort of post-apocalypse club outfit. Her hair is noticeably bigger. She begins to dance in the set doorway where she killed her parents.
Ooh, she’s a little runaway
No one heard a single word you said
They should have seen it in your eyes (seen it in your eyes)
What was going around your head
Cut back to band. The girl is dancing for them in clothing primarily constructed from the dead bits and pieces of other clothing.
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
All those things she couldn’t say
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
Now she works the night away
Jon Bon Jovi begins to wail the chorus. The girl continues to dance unseductively. At 03:57 she bares her left armpit in defiance. Song fades into a denouement.
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
All those things she couldn’t say
Oh, she’s a little runaway
Daddy’s girl learned fast
Now she works the night away
In the video, Jon Bon Jovi is played by Jon Bon Jovi.
Currently, when playing live, Jon Bon Jovi allows the song to finish with the guitar solo rather than attempt the high notes of the final chorus repetition.
The girl with the flamethrower eyes is played by Jennifer Gatti, an actress known for her frequent guest-starring roles on television in the 80s and 90s. Her most notable role is a Ba’al in the Star Trek: The Next Generation “Birthright pts. I and II” where she plays the offspring of an imprisoned Klingon survivor of the Khitomer Massacre and one of the former Romulan guards.

Remember when Klingons were just swarthy guys with weird tiny mustaches?
For when thou are First, thou are closest to thy father The Great Firster in the First Realm.
Some horror lies in the mists of the future, nothing as benign as this is a surer sign.
What could be more horrifying than a 1063 word article on Bon Jovi’s Runaway?
A 4,096 word treatise on the geopolitical aspects of Escape Club’s Shake for the Sheik probably.
Also, from dead links:
Juris, simple question for you, since people view you as the top defender of the election’s integrity around here fair or not.
Do you really think that if these people could have cheated in 2020, that they wouldn’t have done so?
There’s no question that there was cheating. The real question is whether the cheating was enough to swing the election. And that question can’t be answered because it’s never been seriously investigated.
Related question… If you truly thought Trump was as bad as Hitler (and definitely people did, and still do), then why WOULDN’T you cheat if you had the opportunity?
People didn’t truly think that, they were programmed to that opinion.
Oh fucking please. I don’t hate Trump but I can understand why people do.
Understanding why people hate Trump isn’t really the same as pointing out how easily manipulated those who get…ahem….hyperbolic shall we say about him. People who call him evil and a fascist are just fools.
There is a difference between hating Trump for destroying the USFL and hating Trump because he is worse than Hitler.
The first is a totally sane position.
They were, but that programming was strong. I remember in 2016 when Trump won, someone I knew on FB posted that she was gay and LITERALLY FEARED FOR HER LIFE. She was being serious.
That one was really baffling, since Trump was in favor of gay marriage while Obama was still saying he was against it, and then the rainbow flag was held up on stage at a Trump rally to enthusiastic applause. It’s astonishing how no contradictory facts will ever shake religious faith.
Trump is a 90s Clinton (Bill) democrat.
Always has been, always will be.
As to the election, there was a thumb on the scale. I question how much effect that thumb had, but I won’t deny it was there. The other point is, the shit that was done was not clearly illegal. Here we have the flip side of those obsessed with the Great Orange Whale – who has done many things that skirted the intent of the law even if it wasn’t a clear violation of it. As someone once said, politics ain’t beanbag. And as someone else said, if you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t trying.
I also remember how Trump laid the foundation in ’16 for “it was rigged against me”, and then, surprising even himself – he won. What I find so dismal is the ease with which both sides completely flip narratives. I fucking hate that
I’m not trying to be combative on this, at least not necessarily, but I asked whether you think they would have cheated if they could have. The general takeaway from your post that I’m getting is that yes, you think they would have, but you don’t say it explicitly.
The methods and evidence of said cheating are a different discussion.
In terms of narrative, I think one side here has the actual power to rig an election. Trump most certainly did not have the machinery to pull that off, and the idea that he was colluding with Russia to do it was fucking batshit. While Trump was laying the groundwork openly to challenge the 2016 election, Hillary was doing the same behind closed doors. Her campaign came up with the Russia narrative.
The question is interesting to me.
IF someone thinks they wouldn’t have cheated if they could have, then they apparently think the legality of it all would have been a redline they wouldn’t have crossed even though there is seemingly no other line or norm or sense of decency they won’t cross to get rid of orange man.
You are hitting on why I think the level of cheating was only half planned. The hatred and “ends justify the means” mentality was enough to inspire cheating at the grassroots level whenever the right people had an opportunity.
On the big scale, those 7 States that stopped counting on Election Night was obviously coordinated. Then 6 of them staged an unbelievable comeback for Biden while the 7th reelected an unpopular Governor.
i posted an article in 2020 that struck me odd…. months before the election. Some D analyst was bragging about the work the democrats had done with legal teams on the ground in all 50 states. He said that his polling showed that it would look like Trump won the election in a blowout on election night, but by the time the recounts and challenges were done, Biden will turn out to win in a landslide by the end of the week. He specifically mentioned the mail-in vote as well.
I thought it was extremely odd, since Trump was down by 16 points in the middle of a pandemic-fueled recession/depression. There was absolutely no way for Trump to “look like he won” at any point. It was crazy to think that. Heck, it was kinda crazy to think he was going to win *any* states.
That guy clearly knew something we didn’t know. I posted as much at the time. It was just too weird, and he was way too confident with his completely unbelievable predictions.
There was a lot of propaganda leading up tot he election that it was “normal” and “expected” that it would take weeks to count the votes.
1. It shows how dubious those polls that showed massive Biden leads were
2. It shows the Dems had a plan
The fortificat5ion article talked about all of this, and how the left had little ground troops waiting for the word from up high to take to the streets. They were called off around midnight if I remember correctly because they were sure they had it in the bag. This despite the fact that Trump held massive leads in the key swing states at that point.
They knew they were going to win big on the mail-in votes. Was it just ballot harvesting? Don’t know. But it’s rather odd that Dems get absurd levels of the mail-in vote and they designed a system in 2020 to allow mass mail-in voting.
Calling what they did legal is itself a farce. The lawfare they staged to allow the mail-in voting was extralegal. Courts that wouldn’t even take on Trump’s cases a few months later ruled on shit they had no authority to rule on.
It all comes under the heading of “I have no idea exactly what you were doing, but everything you did to cover it up makes it obvious that you did something”. Including “thou shalt not mention anything at all about the 2020 election being in question”. They certainly never said any such thing about any of the prior elections. Heck, questioning 2016 was so popular, they all still believe the Russians rigged the election by posting memes and sending messages to a server in Trump tower.
I’m way past tired of arguing the 2020 election… but if the Fulton County Water leak and mysterious ballot counting shift that followed immediately after counting was “stopped” wasn’t a clear violation of the law… the law damned well needs fixing.
And that’s my bigger problem with the Stupid Party. 2022 showed us they either don’t care (more likely) or haven’t learned shit… and I see no sign they’ve improved any (a smattering of “voter id” laws to fight in the court… but no widespread either reform or clear investigation into irregularities to restore voter confidence — or even ground game gearing up to counter-ballot-harvest (playing the game by the Jackass’s Rules).
Which is probably why I keep feeling we’re just fucked. Because with all the shit this crop of morons in power have (and haven’t done), border… economy… gross corruption… military incompetence (anyone even remember the Afghanistan withdrawal out there? The people falling from planes trying to save themselves because we fucked up and evac’d Baghram (however you spell it) — the lying about “We hit the Taliban… oops, no… we wiped out a fucking wedding reception. Our bad.”, diplomatic incompetence…. all the huge huge piles of shit that would get any other party wiped from power for 40 years in the wilderness in past times….. somehow they’re just going to win anyway.
Nucking futs.
If you are of the opinion that there was no problem with the 2020 election, then you probably aren’t going to agree with new election laws. It’s hard to move past that point.
Most of the GOP establishment has no problem with the 2020 election’s outcome so why would they bother to worry about what the peasants think? Restoring faith in elections is the sort of long term thinking that is shunned in modern politics.
Most democrats also have no problem with the FBI telling Google, Facebook, Twitter, CNN, the NYT et al what they could cover and what they should supress (in the name of fighting disinformation).
Heck, watching the news, most democrats look at Hunter Biden getting paid millions by Burisma despite having zero qualifications, Burisma saying they wanted a prosecutor fired, Hunter’s business partner saying that they were reserving 10% for Joe, The 10% for Joe being in writing in emails on Hunter’s laptop, the Prosecutor from Ukraine saying he was investigating Burisma when Biden had him fired, Biden talking to the Burisma board a week before the prosecutor is fired, Biden bragging that he got him fired, and apparently the President of Ukraine saying that the only reason they fired the prosecutor was because Veep Biden said so, Biden repeatedly stating that he had no idea that Hunter worked for Burisma or had any overseas jobs and that he never talked about any business with Hunter – then multiple sources tell us how he repeatedly talked to Burisma executives…… then chalk all that up to “Hunter might be a little unseemly, but that isn’t illegal”.
If reality is such a Rorschach test that seeing Trump say “peacefully protest” is a call to a violent overthrow of the government that must be prosecuted, while actually using the FBI and the CIA to frame a political opponent for crimes they didn’t commit is just good police work designed to expose corrupt ties to foreign entities… Well, as you say… how can you even have a discussion?
On that topic:
That article sums up whey we are stuck spinning our wheels. There’s a large group of conservatives who are still blue-pilled. It doesn’t matter how much corruption and how obvious the lies they’ve seen stack up are. They won’t even consider the notion that the election wasn’t on the up and up because to do so would cost them social status and make them one of those crazies.
Yup. In 2016, HRC called for electors to change their vote to protect democracy. The entire left establishment (and the nevertrump republicans) pressured them to do so.
There was so much pressure, there were death threats against several electors. Several resigned their post to let someone else cast the vote
Nobody was even investigated, let alone indicted.
I am in that same position. They didn’t fix any of the problems from 2020…. not even those “moot” court cases where states clearly violated election laws in setting up their new vote-by-mail systems. They just ceded the ground. There may not be any overcoming that.
In Florida, Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties were always late like those cities were in 2020. Broward in particular would have less than 1% of the vote reported when the rest of the state was over 99% in. And every time the elections were really close, dating back to 2000. DiSantis replaced the Broward County elections supervisor and magically Broward County reports their results on-time with everyone else…. and also magically, the elections have swung clearly to the R team, despite a huge influx of migrants from heavily democrat states like NY and NJ.
There is zero doubt in my mind that there were shenanigans before the change was made. What they did? How they did it? Don’t know. But going from waiting until after all the rest of the votes are counted and the elections are razor thin to counting with everyone else and the elections are not that close tells me all I need to know.
The fact that the left refuses to even discuss the issue also tells me all I need to know.
It means they are stone-cold lying. And cheating.
They lie about everything else.
Why wouldn’t they lie about elections?
And FFS, Philly and their ilk have had rigged votes for decades now.
Yep. And the thing to remember is that at the same time, Florida has incredibly easy access to voting. Motor-voter registration, absentee ballots, drop off boxes, early voting at widespread polling places, you name it.
And that’s my bigger problem with the Stupid Party. 2022 showed us they either don’t care
They care, just not in the way you think.
The GOP Establishment would rather a Democrat win than an outsider Republican win.
I really want “baring her left armpit in defiance” to enter into the popular culture now.
Seems like a lot of the female roles in 1980’s videos were played by women named Jennifer.
That’s because one out of three teenage girls in the 80s was named “Jennifer.”
Can confirm. I married one of them. So did Rufus.
I don’t think there was a year of school in which there wasn’t at least one Jennifer in every class I had.
At least they would all be able to blow the guys off when asked for their number.
“It’s like… 867-5309! Fer sure…”
At least you knew who to turn to.
There were a lot of Jennifers and variations thereof in school with me too.
In my small circle of friends there are 3 Jennifers, the other two are married to Brians.
My wife wasn’t a Jennifer – but two of her bridesmaids were.
I can’t confirm or deny.
Because of Love Story.
Can also confirm. My brother had three Jennifers as girlfriends back to back. Best was when he had a girlfriend a different name our niece just insisted her name is Jennifer because that is all uncle dates.
Heh. A friend of mine had two wives, back to back, named Anna.
We refer to them as Crazy Anna, and Anna Also.
Henry VIII must have just called them “darling” after a while.
More like 3 out of 3.
If you were female and born between 1970 and 1975, there is an approximate 103% chance that you are named Jennifer.
Jenifa oh Jenny.
I really wasn’t expecting The Deconstruction Of Bon Jovi today, but ok.
Currently, when playing live, Jon Bon Jovi allows the song to finish with the guitar solo rather than attempt the high notes of the final chorus repetition.
Please tell me you know this from experience.
Man, I wish I still had my ’80s hair.
Thanks, SF! Great trip down memory lane and an incredibly incoherent – yet so perfectly ’80s – video.
Haha. I had a shrubbery on my head in the 1980s. I don’t miss it at all.
Red Ashkanazi Jew fro here.
My dad had dark brown fro-ish and a dark red beard (I mean, when it grew long enough that you could tell). He looked like Henry Kissinger for real.
Mullet, baby.
I couldn’t, for the life of me, conjure up that tune without listening to it. “Runaway” may have given them their start, but I submit it’s been largely forgotten in the face of “Living on a Prayer.”
I’d buy that it got them at least halfway there.
They didn’t go down in a blaze of glory, though.
We haven’t heard anything about Jon Bon Jovi in a while. Do we know if he’s dead or alive?
I heard he slipped on a wet floor and hit his head.
Do we know if he’s dead or alive?
Well, he’s Wanted.
I immediately knew what the song was from the title and the quoted lyric on the home page.
What I didn’t remember is that it was Bon Jovi.
I probably liked it when it came out, as it has a little bit of New Romantic going on.
By the time they got big I was listening to “alternative” radio and hated what B.J. did manage to get in my ear anyway.
I liked it too; had that album (but not subsequent ones). I remember that in the liner notes “want” was spelled with an apostrophe.
Funny how those types of typos stay in your head.
He don’t wan’t her / Like I wan’t her
Ted’S. hardest hit.
Really? Nobody?
Aural Sex?
And I first saw it on a video jukebox at the arcade. 🪙 🕹
From Sayreville, NJ.
Very much a working class town.,_New_Jersey
Heh. Once upon a time I
bowleddrank in a bowling league in Sayreville 170 averagedespitebecause of severe intoxication.. Also, JBJ attended my (Catholic) HS for one year, left because he refused to cut his hair. A true rebel.*Towlie gif*
I have no idea what’s going on.
Wanna get high?
I’m just livin’ on a prayer.
Too hot
“While the heat may be keeping people home, it’s also keeps refineries from making refined product,” Gross explained, noting that refineries are typically designed to operate between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (0 and 35 degrees Celsius). “They don’t like temperature extremes because they’re inherently dangerous places… So they dial back the production for safety purposes, but that then constrains supply.”
That’s one I don’t remember hearing before, not that it sounds implausible.
This is the first time it has ever got hot in the summer in Houston/Louisiana!
As someone who can’t stand Bon Jovi, this is one of his few songs that I don’t hate.
I remember the video being bad, but it is worse than I ever would have guessed.
Same. The later you get in their catalogue, the faster the radio station is changed.
OT – was thinking of you today with the typhoon in Okinawa. I’ve got no friends down that way.
Hope the family is OK.
My daughter an inlaws have no electricity.
My wife is no longer Okinawan.
She was watching a video and was amazed that people were walikng around in the storm.
She used to be one of those people, so I reminded her that her father had called her a tourist last time she was home.
True enough. All my expat friends here in the US have the same experience.
They don’t have the full US cultural background, but they’ve lost their original cultural background.
Glad everybody is safe.
Bon Jovi is ass.
I spent 6 years in NJ back in 1984/5, and the local radio station played Springsteen, Bon Jovi, and Springsteen.
“Im a plowboy, on a John Deere I ride” or “Shit thru the Fart” or this song…
Interspersed with “Bored in USA” and “Jerk-Me Girl”, the mention of these set my teef on edge.
Interestingly…. the Philly stations near where I grew up never played Springsteen as much as the Boston stations.
Image alt text – lol.
Nice forehead tho… hawt
OMG lol
I did not even notice the beans. Michael Westmore must have been high as a kite that day.
Just realized that this came out the same year as Firestarter.
Cheap ripoff of a bad movie made from a silly King novel. Although it did have George C Scott.
And just think — now he’s probably all for the CIA doing illicit medical experiments. Isn’t time passing fun?
(More seriously… I actually am rather fond of Firestarter. Drew does about the best a child actress could with the role — her father is believable, and George C Scott and Martin Sheen ham it up as only they can. Plus the ending is well done.)
I liked the movie and book. The movie could have had about 20 minutes more for back story and I would have been fine with it,
Democrats hate you and want you dead.
Here’s the Missouri Democrat Party advocating for a Trump supporter’s home to burn down. Sick. There’s no place for this kind of disgusting, violent rhetoric in Missouri
But don’t get your panties in a wad, Hawley.
Isn’t Missouri the state that had an extermination order for Mormons until the ’70’s?
Also the state that had to be strong-armed into ratifying Prohibition and wasn’t quite as wet as the Mississippi, but close.
Ok… which one of y’all is using the byline David Strom?
Honk honk.
Canadian health officials asked an Ontario woman to donate organs of her husband who died after being denied an organ transplant because he did not receive the COVID-19 shots.
In May, Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN), the Ontario organ donation agency, called Meghan Harper to harvest her husband Garnet’s organs as he lay dying because the hospital refused to provide organ transplants to unvaccinated Canadians.
I totally believe in organ donation.
That would be a hard no from me.
I gotta agree, on both counts. Heck, that hard no might come with a punch in the face.
I read that a couple of weeks ago and thought briefly of what my response would be and how many people would perish during the process.
Bingo. Exactly this.
I’m not surprised. Organ donation is the line these companies use, but organ donation isn’t the focus. It’s the emotional trojan horse to pull on grieving families.
The reality is they are after the tissue… skin, bones, tendons, and organ tissue. The harvested tissue is sterilized, commoditized, and sold in little packages. Imagine your loved one being placed into hundreds of little sealed cardboard boxes to crank commissions for salespeople and open bars/steak dinners for surgeons. And of course it’s illegal for the family to receive any of the financial benefit that industry reaps from this.
Covid wouldn’t be an issue for the tissue since the cleaning process would remove it. They won’t mention that though to keep the organ donation pull.
I can’t stand Bon Joey. The hair and the clothes are ridiculous. And my college roommate was from New Jersey, so I heard them constantly.
Jack Smith is a real hard nosed investigator, it seems.
If this actually gets the GOP off their duffs and they impeach Biden, someone should investigate Kerry given his stepson looks to have been hip deep in it with Hunter. I don’t know if you can impeach a “climate czar” — but whatever they can do, it seems merited.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? indeed….
We all know there was no interest in stopping the corruption.
The Obama admin made Biden the point man on Ukraine and sent him there with a $1 billion check that he could use as leverage to get a prosecutor asking too many questions fired.
The impression I’m getting is that they’re all up to their necks in corruption and now it’s a full court press to eliminate any possibility of facing consequences.
The legislature either steps up or it’s all over for the system of checks and balances. They’re going to go full authoritarian.
I can not say I disagree with you. Starting with the IC, but I think through a great deal of State and associated entities, disbanding and salting the earth is needed to pull any of this back, imho.
And no, I don’t think Congress will find it within themselves to do it. Which is why I get bitter, angry and depressed at the betrayal of the fundamental ideals and social contract of this country. Ack pfbbt.
“I don’t know if you can impeach a ‘climate czar'”
That’s the beauty of the “Czars”. They don’t need to be approved by the Senate, and they can’t be impeached. Though perhaps he’s officially part of the State Department, in which case maybe he can be impeached.
Apparently CDC directors either. I think new one is temp appointment until 2025?
Kerry won’t even tell Congress the names of the people who work for him as “climate czar.” It’s ridiculous.
“We will not fund unnamed people. Your budget is now Zero.”
“This is to inform you that your office is under investigation from the OIG and IRS”
Canadian Castro getting a divorce!
That closet was getting uncomfortable, I guess.
Someone explain unconscious uncoupling to me. Or even unconscious coupling.
Sleep sex?
You mean sleep rape?
Continued destruction and obfuscation of the English language
I consciously watched Coupling.
Attractive cast.
That was a good show.
Something insects do?
No idea why they are avoiding plain speech here. There doesn’t seem to be anything about a divorce that would offend the tender sensibilities of the genderfuck set.
Did Gwyneth’s press people coin that phrase, or some dopey psychologist?
They actually mean conscientiously, but nobody can spell it correctly.
Are you alleging that these people have consciences?
You think that but a perfectly good term of janitor is in some circles a custodial engineer – homeless is unhoused person – etc
Does she get Canada in the settlement?
Puck bag and a case of LaBatt Blue.
Toque, milk-bag pitcher, and Timbits.
I knew I was in a strange land the first time I laid eyes on a bag of milk.
“Your milk comes in bags, your pavilion at Epcot doesn’t have a ride and if Canada is so nice and friendly, why does most of our meth come from your Asian drug gangs?”
But apparently 30 Rock thinks Cleveland is paradise so…
They are going to fight over who has to take Quebec.
Kick them out on their welfare-dependant backsides. No more payments from productive provinces to support their wasteful ways.
Too many political groupies throwing themselves at him to resist anymore?
Probably found out he has pedo habits.
I think I just heard the sound of millions of AWFLs squirming in their chairs.
His wife is smarter than the majority of the country.
The latter is AKA a “Cosby.”
Dammit! Intended as a reply to Mr. Nerfherder.
Blame it on the quaaludes.
Sure it was… (psst… now we now the glowie recognition phrase! Pass it on!)
Don’t be silly, there’s no need for regonition on the targetted sites, there are dedicated back channels for coordination.
See, race is just a construct.
Course correction
It is to be expected that Toyota would not walk away from this iconic vehicle. Instead, the automaker called a time out and used it to engineer a clean break from the Land Cruiser’s increasingly expensive and bloated mall-cruiser trajectory. This desirable off-roader has stayed faithful to the original concept, but Toyota made a determined effort to return this off-road SUV to a more mainstream price point.
Toyota isn’t disclosing full details, but the starting price will be in “the mid-$50,000 range.” Compare that to the $87,030 minimum cost of entry for the discontinued 2021 Land Cruiser, and you can see why Toyota expects sales to increase significantly over the paltry 3000 to 4000 units per year they typically moved over the past decade. They’re not saying how much sales will increase, but we find it telling that they plan to sell all 5000 examples of the First Edition—a number they haven’t hit in an entire year since 2004—within the first three months. After those are built, production will shift to the less expensive base Land Cruiser 1958 (so named for the first year of U.S. Land Cruiser sales) and the simply named Land Cruiser variant.
It will be interesting to see how it does.
Your link didn’t work. Autopian had a good write up here:
Power and gas mileage look… Amazing, really. If that tiny engine can pull that off.
The Land Cruiser 1958 model would be my choice. Love those round headlights.
There were no fake electors.
Former Donald Trump campaign official Mike Roman is cooperating with prosecutors from special counsel Jack Smith’s team in the ongoing criminal probe related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election, two sources familiar with the matter told CNN.
One of the sources said that the agreement, known as a proffer agreement, means that Roman may not have to appear before the grand jury but could instead speak to prosecutors in a more informal setting. Under such an agreement, prosecutors generally agree not to use those statements against them in future criminal proceedings.
Roman, who received a grand jury subpoena months ago and had his phone seized, was involved in efforts to put forward slates of fake Trump electors following the 2020 election.
Let’s try that link again
And I wouldn’t want to push something that big down the road with a four cylinder, no matter how big the turbo is.
“hybrid powertrain” — so like the old turboelectric drives the four cylinder is just there to run the generator / keep the battery topped off? The drive depends solely on juice to the electric motor(s)…
Take the Chrysler design and do the opposite?
On paper a modern direct injected turbo 4 should be able to do just fine, but it is going to be stressed. Thanks to FedGov we don’t have much choice.
I think I’ll just keep looking for an old one.
Don’t look too hard:
“These Great Old Ones, Castro continued, were not composed altogether of flesh and blood. They had shape—for did not this star-fashioned image prove it?—but that shape was not made of matter. “
Because I know all of you have been waiting for Chess World Cup Rnd 2 updates…
Its the round of 128, so I won’t be covering everyone, just the top 4 plus Americans. And not bothering with names of opponents, I have never heard of any of them. I will include Elo ratings, so you can see the disparity at this point in the tourney. * means American.
Magnus Carlsen (2835) defeats a 2564.
*Hikaru Nakamura (2787) draws with a 2565. His opponent found some great moves, played like a 2700.
*Fabiana Caruana (2782) defeats a 2561.
Ian Nepo- (2779) defeats a 2567. I am not gonna attempt to spell Nepo’s name.
*Wesley So (2769) draws with 2570.
*Leinier Dominguez Perez (2739) defeats a 2548.
*Sam Shankland (2711) loses to a 2507.
*Ray Robson (2689) draws with a 2604.
*Awonder Liang (2649) draws with a 2639.
Tomorrow will be 2nd game of round 2. Ties will be settled on Friday. Round 3 starts Saturday.
Непомнящий, if I’m not mistaken.
*Sam Shankland (2711) loses to a 2507.
Serious upset. According to this site, the 200 point difference would give an expectation of 61% wins, 31% draws and 7% losses.
Yes it is. However, and I don’t know if the case with Sam’s opponent, many of the players in this tournament are seriously underrated because they don’t get chances to play against top opponents often.
This happens at the Olympiad too. Players from some countries never get much chance to play top players without spending serious money to travel to Europe etc, so there rating lags.
Opponent was Ivan Schitco from Moldova. So probably doesn’t fit that scenario. He is a 20 year old Grandmaster, so he may be rapidly improving. Or, you know, just pulled an upset.
Shankland is ranked #28 in the world, Schitco is ranked #592.
Still not on a par with grosspatzer’s greatest upset victory. I defeated IM Walter Shipman (rated 2400+) in the first round of a 30/30 tournament in the early seventies; I was rated around 1650 at that time. My final score in that tournament was 2.5 out of 8, go figure.
Like a lot of elements on the new Land Cruiser, the return to a simpler and less costly approach has a lot of appeal. It certainly has brought the price back down to earth, and that’s no bad thing. And who can argue with a Land Cruiser that’s bound to get decent fuel economy? As for the inevitable outrage of the purists, no more than 4000 of them laid their money on the table each year over that last decade or so. How much collective upset can there be? It’s pretty clear the demand for a bloated and expensive Land Cruiser barely existed. This new direction is bound to get more of them in the hands of those that always wanted one, and we’re looking forward to seeing brand new examples out on the trails.
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I’d say the “purists” were left on the side of the road long, long ago.
The old Land Cruiser was a $90,000 car, with no discounts. Of course there weren’t many takers. That had nothing to do with purists, whoever the Hell that is.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces that he and his wife are consciously uncoupling
It’s all the rage. Ask the Deblasios.
Commie wife swap club?
Not necessarily commies only. Newsom’s ex-wife, Kim Guilfoyle, is engaged to Don Jr.
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
FBI investigates FBI, discovers FBI may have done some technically “illegal” things, but says that the FBI was fooled by the FBI so really the FBI isn’t liable for anything.
Sounds legit.
Nothing to see here. Move along…
Ever wondered what a normal person would look like in a 100 meter sprint on the world stage?
Well the President of the Somali Athletics Foundation sent his niece to the World University Games this year. And let’s just say she want very fast.
Do not speak ill of libertopia’s prized athletes.
I’m pretty certain she’d still be faster than me at this point — so who am I to judge? Hope it wasn’t as warm as it looked there, though… having her have to race in full bodysuit seems stifling.
On paper a modern direct injected turbo 4 should be able to do just fine, but it is going to be stressed.
Yes, exactly. Motor changes as routine service. Just wait ’til you hitch up the horse trailer.
It’s a Toyota so there is still a chance.
MaaS (Motor as a Service) is a new paradigm that’s disrupting the market with best of breed solutions and an inclusive future.
aaSes are all scams, avoid them at all costs.
WEF intends for you to not have a car anyway. You’ll have a car subscription service, if you’re lucky.
I think I’ll just keep looking for an old one.
Luddite! Whycome you hate bleeding edge technology?
Because it frightens and intimidates me.
/unfrozen caveman
Because tech is making cars undrivable. Dad’s new Integra has lane watch and road watch. It nearly prevented me from avoiding a pothole because I had to get close to the edge of the road. Plus cvt sucks.
I’ve got two criteria that are mandatory for my next vehicle:
1) The ability to permanently turn off auto-stall (not each time I start the car)
2) Manual controls for climate control
I expect to walk off quite a few lots when I’m looking.
Used to be able to disable on VW/Audis with an OBD11. A quick search shows that may no longer be possible on brand new cars. Not sure about other brand work around options.
Permanently turning off auto-stall is now illegal. All of them require you turn it off each time you start the car. You can buy an aftermarket switch to permanently turn it off.
MOPAR has manual controls for climate on all their cars.
Like this:
My wife’s Integra has the same thing. Disable that immediately. Also your dad missed out on a really good 6 speed, that gear box is great.
The persecution of Trump by the Biden administration is one of the scariest things I have witnessed in my life. Probably, the only scarier thing is Biden baiting Russia into a nuclear war in Ukraine.
But Trump/MAGA Rs are warmongers and fascists.
Don’t forget bigots and homophobes!
Part of the same problem as the current war, Biden corruption, and everything else going on. The people who run this country no longer have to face elections or obey any rules at all. We have to obey them, not laws.
I always liked this Bon Jovi tune
Site won’t take any comments on this.
SDF-7 – ” I keep feeling we’re just fucked”
We are. Not just because clean national elections or over. More importantly, because our elites have completely given up on following rules. It’s why the Romans lost their Republic and why we lost ours.
Maybe that election was our Rubicon, or the lawfare against Trump. Maybe we just get lots of little ones before the collapse or a Caesar.
I’ve been comparing in my head our republic to Rome a lot recently.
Hell, I’d go back further. I’m not sure if the line should be drawn at the war on drugs (at least prohibition went through the amendment process) or when Congress first started welfare payments.
Civil War, WWI, the Patriot Act…
Death by a thousand cuts for the Republic
Do all roads lead to Ukraine?
Seems to suggest that at least a portion of the plants on Jan 6th were Ukrainian nationals. Given that they had a vested interest in Biden winning…
Anyone in the mood for some lemonade?
Harry Chapin unavailable for comment.
*Paging Lou Reed*
“When life gives you lemons find someone who’s life has given them vodka and have a party.” – Ron White
Sweet lemonade, yeah sweet lemonade
The persecution of Trump by the Biden administration is one of the scariest things I have witnessed in my life. Probably, the only scarier thing is Biden baiting Russia into a nuclear war in Ukraine.
But Trump was transforming America into an authoritarian dictatorship.
So much so that Chicago was MAGA country!
Y’all taking notes here?
Vigilantes can kill the suspects so long as they don’t leave witnesses?
I think that memo went out a long time ago.
How many conservative voices have you heard say “I will never commit suicide” over the last few years?
*looks at notes*
“Do not under any circumstances enter St. Louis.”
The pressure on Treasury yields is intense. Yellen announced an increase in the upcoming auction size, Fitch’s downgrade, etc…
It’s almost as if the Democrats were trying to break the system, almost… but they’d never do that, right?
The girl with the flamethrower eyes
So you better make sure she’s interested….
A young girl in a school uniform stands alone on a soundstage flooded by fog machines.
And now my work meeting is done, so I have the video going.
I should have guessed. That uniform is a Catholic school uniform.
OK, rewound. Might be a generic private school. Though it looks a lot like the uniform girls wore at my old high school in the 80s before I started there.
“It perpetuates a narrative of bodily incompetence,” Dr. Warrener said.
A Theory of Childbirth’s Evolution May Not Be What You’re Expecting
Scientists are revisiting an influential theory that the evolution of big brains made human childbirth risky.
Do any of the Canadian Glibbies know if this story is true or was reported? Trudeau was in Belleville, ont. recently for some ceremony and the crowd at city hall booed and was so unruly that Trudeau never got out of his limo. That part of Ontario is pretty Conservative, however Toronto swings the big pinko stick.
You know who else swung the big pinko stick?
The Great Dane my wife grooms?
Trudeau’s father, Castro?
He gets booed a lot. Two weeks ago he was booed at some indigenous games thing.
That’s surprising. You’d think those were his people. Surely he as dressed up as an Indian at least once.
BOSTON – A video obtained by WBZ-TV’s I-Team that appears to show a Boston Police officer going down a children’s slide outside City Hall is raising questions for the department.
I don’t like cops but ‘shenanigans’? Heaven forbid some are actually human and not taking out pent up aggression on dogs
*to respond to myself* his medical bills should be his own…otherwise, who cares?
Wearing his gun belt at the time was probably a bad idea, assuming he had the gun in it.
I had a guy I knew from the Army delete me on social media because I made a crack about the Boston strong shit when they closed down their entire city and declared martial law effectively to catch two little morons.
Was it wrong of me to laugh out loud? Should I not have done that. No one told me not to.
There’s a parking garage near a brewery I like that has a slide to ride down as an option to leave if you don’t want to go down stairs or take an elevator. The girlfriend makes it a point to go down it anytime we park there.
Ohhh, yeah.
Another Runaway video from the 80’s. I forgot about this one.
Welp, there seems to be a reason I don’t get along with my neighbors.
Garbage man comes along, breaks neighbor’s trash bag, doesn’t pick up the trash. Neighbor starts chucking what he thinks is OUR trash into our yard. I go out completely lit up and start screaming. Probably should just ask nicely first.
I feel like the Hulk. “What’s your secret?” “I’m ALWAYS angry.”
(Of course, I already didn’t like him because he’s nosy as shit.)
I’d say you were quite composed. Screaming? Do you not have any firearms?
I do not. But speaking of firearms, I do have a hair trigger. I can go from perfectly phlegmatic to HulkSMASH in about half a second. It didn’t even occur to me to stop and say, “Yo, dude, what are you doing?”
I used to be that way, until I realized that was a good way to get my ass kicked or worse. Might not be as much of a problem for folks who identify as XX.
Nah. Fuck that guy. He should buy better trash bags. Cheap fucker.
He’s one of those guys who goes to the local diner every morning to shoot the breeze. I called him out for being nosy as shit, too. Always trying to be in everybody’s business.
And tips poorly, I’d bet.
Wouldn’t doubt it.
Pats the waitresses’ butts?
You’re justified, that’s asshole behavior on your neighbor’s part, even if it had been your trash. When our neighbor’s can got tipped by the wind and their trash ended up all over our yard, I bagged it and put it back in their can. They never even knew it had happened.
We get commercial-grade garbage bags that are clear. They’re harder than hell to pierce and tear.
You need to be careful, I hear Karenism is highly contagious.
I have been Karen before, but I’m very careful to think, “Is this something this poor person can help?” and “Is this store policy?” and “Is it that important?” So I keep my Karenism fairly well controlled.
But sure, start chucking your trash in my yard and see me at my worst.
Here we go againnnnnnnnn…………
tells me there is NO active shooter on Capitol Hill.
Source tells me “A call came in for an active shooter. It appears to be a bad call. No injuries and no shooter were located. MPD is assisting US Capitol Police.”
I weep for a nation that can no longer guarantee the safety of its selfless public servants. It’s a crying shaman.
You are such a riot.
MAGA Representative terrorism, obviously.
Fuck Brandon.
President Biden is also encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors.
He’s going after Hasbro?
The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.
All your guns are belong to us, comrade. Or, we can shoot your dog if you prefer.,_We%27ll_Kill_This_Dog!#/media/File:If_You_Don't_Buy_This_Book,_We'll_Kill_This_Dog!_cover.jpg
What does this mean?
“Use the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms to further firearm and public safety practices. The Department of Defense buys a large number of firearms and other weapons to protect and serve our country. The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.”
It means if you want to sell to the us military you will stop sell to the general public.